How are calories in a boiled egg

How are calories in a boiled egg

How are calories in a boiled egg

Eggs from the best foods that the Lady could eat because they contain many nutrients essential for health. Often, doctors recommended nutrition women who follow a diet to lose weight fast by eating a boiled egg or two eggs for breakfast, but how are the calories in a boiled egg? To discover together.
How are calories in a boiled egg?
Up against how many calories in boiled egg 1 to 78 calories, divided as follows:
55 calories in egg yolk
Only 17 calories in egg whites
This is why egg whites are the core element in many diabetic aimed at weight loss.
What are the nutrients in eggs?
Boiled egg contains 1 to many nutrients that come as follows:
Saturated fat: 5 grams
Proteins: 6 grams
Carbohydrate: 0.6 g
Sodium: 63 grams
Potassium: 63 mg
In addition, the egg contains both:
Vitamin b 12
Vitamin a
Vitamin d
Vitamin B5
Polyunsaturated fats
Marginal fat saturated
For General and special boiled eggs several benefits me health it contributes to weight loss, increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood, lowering cholesterol is bad, promote eye health and reduce the level of fat in the blood. So don't hesitate to Madam increase this item ideal and effective food into your diet.

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