On the day of treason preferred men. 10 signs that your partner reveals "Betray you."

On the day of treason preferred men. 10 signs that your partner reveals "Betray you." 

On the day of treason preferred men. 10 signs that your partner reveals "Betray you."

A group of British ladies adopted 18 November each year "on the betrayal of choice for men," as a symbol of the misdeeds and not their devotion to their wives during the year.
And made many scientific studies, indicators help women discover treason show during the following paragraphs:-
According to a study done at the University of Maryland, America, "the deeper understanding of the motives of treason may help couples repair their relationships after they happen, and also may prevent the occurrence of the Foundation".
Research participants drew 80 questions, through which researchers into 8 major reasons for marital infidelity are arranged according to the results of the study:

1. the desire to revenge from the other side.
2. libido because of dissatisfaction with the performance of the partner.
3. the absence of love and loss of passion and interest.
4. the negligence of one of the parties.
5. the absence of commitment and fulfill duties.
6. the impact of specific situations, such as sugar or extreme stress.
7. the absence of a sense of appreciation and find offset multiple relationships.
8. seek variety in partners.

Scientists have noted that once the causal motivation for treason, find solutions, and to take clear steps to address it.
In the same context, said experts from the University of Pennsylvania, that low tone of voice indicating high testosterone hormone in the body, evidence of man's thinking in the search for a partner other than his wife.
Experts stressed that many stops a few silent as a clear indication of the betrayed husband.
Wikihow site mentioned in the article "how to tell your husband's betrayal to" semantic distance on cheating, including lack of talk with life partner compared to the former, in addition to lack of Haden on past or exaggerate it suddenly without justification, as well as a new way.

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