The comprehensive medical examination. Safety valve for good health

The comprehensive medical examination. Safety valve for good health

The comprehensive medical examination. Safety valve for good health

Said doctor Wael Safwat Adviser World Health Organization health awareness that comprehensive medical checkup discovers human diseases early.
Safwat in an exclusive interview broadcast on a new programme on a comprehensive medical examination tomorrow space starts with birth and there are specialized examinations depend on the age of the person in addition to the comprehensive examination
He said he must make a comprehensive annual inspection with the 40 years and not wait for the disease to surprise us and then begin therapy, but we try to find out before you show symptoms, and from here emerged the importance of comprehensive medical examination, which is conducted periodically to check on public health and medical examination indicated that the Hope include both clinical examination and blood pressure checked and breast cancer in women, the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes in blood, kidney scan and detect any malfunction in kidney function and chronic diseases that lead to kidney failure, liver function test, blood sugar test, test and diagnose problems considering, check pressure Eye, measuring both hearing and breathing.

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