Doubts about the "firstborn genetically"

Doubts about the "firstborn genetically" 

Doubts about the "firstborn genetically"

Many doubts concerning the proclamation of the Chinese scholar help birthday first baby genetically rate in the world.
Professor, giant koi, Hiei made adjustments to the two DNA born in weeks to protect them from AIDS.
Not sure the Chinese researcher claims the associated press quoted a statement his photographer, but upset several scientists described the operation as brutality.
Most countries prohibit such genetic modifications.
Future generations
Genetic modification may help avoid genetic diseases by adjusting or disabling disease-causing genes when the fetus.
But scientists warn that a genetic modification of a fetus could hurt the person itself and subsequent generations that travels to her genes.
The many States prohibit, including Britain, genetic modification of embryos to assist human reproduction.
And scientists could make adjustments to the embryos in vitro under the condition that they get rid of them immediately, not conducive to having children.
But Professor Heh, who studied at Stanford University in the United States, works in a laboratory in Shenzhen in southern China, says he used a modification in the genes that led to the birth of the twins "Lulu", "Nana". 

The video explained how he removed a gene called c-CR 5 "makes the girls able to resist HIV if exposed to it.
He added that his work is intended to have children are not exposed to a disease, not certain advantages such as children design eye color or intelligence.
He said: "I know that my work will arouse controversy, but I think families need this technology, and I'm ready to take the blame for it."
"Disease treatable."
Many organizations are denied, including the hospital which belongs to the Finder, anything to do with what he had done.
Other scientists said: "If the news is true, the Professor heh boundaries, experiments with embryos intact without justification."
Either Dr. Dushku Ilyich, sexologist stem cells, Keynes College University in London, said: "If this conforms to medical ethics, ethics fmfhohm different from the concept of the rest of the world."
He added that HIV disease can cure it, and if the infection under control with medication, there is the risk of HIV transmission from parents to the baby.
Many risks
Professor, Julian savolisko, Professor of medical ethics at the University of Oxford: "these brutal experiences, the fetus intact, and not suffering from any disease known."
He added: "the gene modification is still in experimental phase, and can lead to immediate problems or later, including cancer."
He added: "there are many ways to avoid getting AIDS, including protected sexual relations, there is also an effective treatment if the person infected.
Scientists say that genetic modification might be acceptable in a day, but its license requires more testing.

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