For lovers of cinema: horror movies help to lose weight!

For lovers of cinema: horror movies help to lose weight!

For lovers of cinema: horror movies help to lose weight!

Do you dream of getting rid of excess weight? Then you have to exercise and proper diet, or see a bunch of horror movies, according to a British study, surprising.
Horror movies and weight
It seems that the purpose of pursuing horror movies won't be fun gained from watching her, but up to the possibility of losing weight, as indicated by a British study, specifically those research study at the University of Westminster, located in the English capital London.

Researchers from the University of Westminster, to watch a horror movie up for about 90 minutes lead to pump adrenaline into the body to allow him to burn some 113 CAL, is acquired by the average person when eating a slab of chocolate, with losing via walking for half an hour.
English University researchers succeeded in reaching those outcomes, by measuring the energy consumed by a group of people saw a number of horror films, where scientists carefully at this time to record their heart rate, as well as the ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide during firing her up scenes Horror, to come to these unexpected results.

Cinema against obesity

See Richard McKenzie, doctor and physicist and lecturer at the University of Westminster, that influences referenced films of horror, to get rid of some calories in the body, adding: "while these movies raise your heart rate sometimes, they cause blood flow Exceptionally, increases the adrenaline pumping, and then increase the body's calorie-burning rates. "

English doctor confirms that adrenaline pumping proportions-the reality of watching horror movies-does not lead to loss of calories, but also contribute to reducing appetite, too, increases the chances of losing weight.

It is worth mentioning, that controversial British study has used a famous horror movies 10, varied effects on participants with regard to losing calories, food came the film "Rec" at the end of regulation for causing a loss equivalent to 101 calories, while Shining The "thriller" menu To help him lose weight the participants towards 184 CAL.

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