Protein linked to cancer, solve the problems of excess weight!

Protein linked to cancer, solve the problems of excess weight!

Protein linked to cancer, solve the problems of excess weight!


A scientific study found that proteins naturally reveals cancer, can help people with obesity in losing a lot of weight.
And if any tests on mice are seriously overweight, it got rid of one-third of the weight of having been genetically modified to produce a protein "FGFBP3" which is known colloquially as "BP3".
Researchers at the Georgetown Centre described Lombardi comprehensive cancer control effect which started after 18 days as "impressive".
And believed that "BP3" mimics the hormones and rises in different types of cancer, and for that reason was his role in this disease.
But the new study shows that it probably plays a role in the metabolism, as well as the storage and use of carbohydrates and fats.
The researchers genetically modified mice for eating and increase protein expression for "BP3".

Dr. Anton weilshtain, senior researcher: "we found that 8 processors BP3 over 18 days, were sufficient to reduce fat in the fat rats by more than a third.
In addition to reducing weight among rodents, reducing "BP3" also a number of disorders associated with obesity in animals.
These included high blood sugar disturbances causing case "hyperglycemia", which is often a sign of both types I and II diabetes.
As animal protein recovered from the fatty liver disease, which can lead to serious damage in this member.
Researchers hope in Washington DC that treatment is used to reverse these disorders associated with obesity in humans.
Protein also showed his safety, as microscopic tests in rats showed no side effects in the study.
And though it's unclear mechanism of action of protein to reduce weight, but thinks he achieves this by influencing the metabolism.
Dr. Weinstein said: "it's like having more taxis available in NYC to pick up all the people who need a ride."
He added: "with the metabolism, blood sugar is used, processed fats in the liver for energy and not stored as FAT stores are also exploited.
Although the results are exciting, the researchers emphasize the need for more studies before using "BP3" in the treatment of metabolic syndromes.

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