Study: "no relationship" between insomnia and early death

Study: "no relationship" between insomnia and early death

There is good news for people who suffer from insomnia, lack of sleep probably will not lead to death. A new report, published in the journal sleep medicine, "that connection between insomnia and early death. See also scientists 17 studies, which included nearly 37 million people, to collect their results. Electronic screens causing insomnia for teenagers The new report contradicts with the national health service in Britain, which said that in addition to exposing people to the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes in category 2, shortens the life expectancy of insomnia. But for those who suffer from insomnia, constant worry about the relationship between sleep deprivation and human life Palace would raise their concern anymore. Navid says Khan, who works in a high school: "don't think of it that way," and he never slept more than four hours a day every night. He added: "I had one so bad this week, the night was awesome. All I could think about on the next day at work is that I need to pass this day. " He continues: "I study for two only, thinking that if I managed to sleep during that hour, it would be well, all I have to do is divide the time, they did so and so". Navid says: "I swear my day just to try to get some sleep." It is believed that about 30 residents in the United Kingdom suffer from insomnia, so it will probably be someone near you while reading this report suffers from the effects of sleep deprivation. Not easy to defeat insomnia, but there are some things you can do to improve your chances of getting good sleep during the night. National health service recommends that sufferers from insomnia to exercise during the day and reduce caffeinated beverages. She says that smoking and eating in large quantities or alcohol late can lead to preventing you from sleeping well.

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