The "strange" for weight loss among Americans

The "strange" for weight loss among Americans

The "strange" for weight loss among Americans


Detect those who follow the style of "strange" diet in the United States due to retain their urine instead of spending it, saying that "drink" is a natural way to promote health, giving them a better complexion, and help them lose weight, and maintain a sense of youth.
It seems that drinking, rub the skin, so use it in washing eyes ancient centuries, some believe its effectiveness in treating diseases, boost energy, and even delays aging, which is not scientifically proven.
Thanks to bloggers in health-promoting disgusting idea online, more people are moving to the toilet to make use of its advantages.
Meteorology specialist says in Idaho, Cristo dabritcio, drink he urinates helped him to lose (13.6 kg) of weight and make it feel like a "Superman".

After that I recommend dabritcio salesman, Julia painter from Maryland, follow this trick, addressing the frequent appearance of grain on her face, and loss (11.3 kg) of weight.
But scientists say there is no evidence that this practice has any interest, someone said that people who drink their urine "do nothing more than just making fun of themselves."
And offered the British newspaper "daily mail" pictures of people gained fame in the United States after drinking their urine in response to the recommended online group.
This group believes that the urethra contains compounds can be re-absorbed to improve the body's ability to fight disease and detoxification.
But no scientific evidence confirms the validity of these claims, but scientists drinking Walpole may be harmful indeed.

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