6 essential vitamins for women over 40. You know them

6 essential vitamins for women over 40. You know them

6 essential vitamins for women over 40. You know them

You need the ladies after reaching 40, approaching the stage the blackout period, to a number of vitamins to maintain physical and intellectual abilities to avoid increasing the probability of various diseases, we are reviewing you as "prevention".

1. vitamin A
To strengthen the immune system and bones, improve visibility, replenish dead cells, and enhance the efficiency of the heart and arteries.

There is a vitamin in dairy products, eggs, carrots, beans, bananas, spinach.

2. vitamin B12
To enhance memory and concentration, fighting insomnia, protect bone fragility and vulnerability.
There are seafood, birds, red meat.

3. vitamin C
This vitamin helps to delay aging and cell damage, strengthen the heart, improving activity and immune boosting.
And resides in guava, thyme, broccoli, lemon, and strawberry.

4. vitamin D
For the prevention of osteoporosis, improve memory, protection against heart disease, strokes, and depression.
There are eggs, fish, coconut milk, India Malmstrom.

5. calcium
To strengthen the bones and prevent her fragile, prevention of joint pain.
Found in broccoli, cabbage, legumes.

6. Omega-3
To enhance memory, fight infections, improve mood, and regulate blood pressure.
Omega-3s and 3 in soybeans, spinach, broccoli.

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