Watch for feeding your child in school hours and exercise

Watch for feeding your child in school hours and exercise

Watch for feeding your child in school hours and exercise

Modern American study warned of steroids given by parents to their children in order to increase the proportion of their focus and their productivity, especially those children who suffer from attention deficit, the study said that these steroids are not useful and do not have any merit. 

Scientific research has confirmed that the steroids that are given to children, will help increase the proportion of their focus or improve their performance at school, while a large proportion of families to give their children steroids, thinking that her effect.

As noted before, the best ways to improve your child's performance and increase their focus, parents will improve their diet and cuisine and foods that are particularly effective in small age element.

Healthy nutrition and fasting normal brain tonic
In this study, the researchers tested the effect of steroids on 75 children, attended school, and attended school classes from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for eight weeks.

During that early stage, children need a variety of foods to get a balanced diet. As to the amount of physical activity everyday practices influence in determining how much the body needs to eat. And while the kids are busy with study and practice different activities either at home or outside the home, eating snacks is the solution to support the body with the necessary energy. For example, have a healthy snack in the morning and another in the break and after school are basic meals for children during the day.

Breakfast mystery school took
Of an open information to encourage children to eat breakfast. I get enough sleep, eat a rich breakfast in the mornings helping children maintain focus and activity during the school day. It also helps that child not feeling hungry for a while. Parents should set a good example for their children, help to encourage children to eat breakfast when both mother and father to have breakfast with them. The rich meal of cereal or oatmeal with milk and fruit from the fruit is the perfect meal for breakfast in the morning.

School meal

Some schools have restaurant offers a wide range of food choices, and follow most of the principles and health guidance to encourage healthy food choices. However, the options are always boys tend to eat up more calories without any nutritional value. Therefore, the optimal alternative is preparing a home-cooked meal took her child to school with him, and is an excellent way to teach children how to eat healthy food and help set it up.
Some suggestions for light meals

1. make sure always to add some lovely items for your child as a replacement for unhealthy foods and desserts like homemade potato chips, popcorn, cake, fresh fruit, some nuts, natural juices, baked.

2. prepare the recommended school sandwiches using whole grain bread factory to avoid sugary substances. You can use different kinds of cheese and various flavors. It is also possible to use some other options like jam, butter or Nutella. Additionally, it is recommended that you add some sources of protein such as eggs, chicken strips or fish fillets.

3. instead of doing daily sandwiches, replenishment you prepare some home-baked crackers made from whole grains, pecan pie muffins or mini pizzas.

4. when preparing for your child's school meal, avoid adding certain foods as fatty or sugary foods, which contain a high percentage of salts. Moreover, it is not recommended to use processed meats like salami, burgers, meats. Also, you must reduce the sodas and energy drinks.

5. should not prevent your child from eating candy and sugary drinks, but you are advised to allow addressed from time to time to reduce the health hazards to children.
You know very well that the child does not have access to proper nutrition, it may cause injury to the child obesity or overweight.

After school snack.

During this stage, children have a capricious appetite depending on activity level, so make sure to provide many options for your child's health, say goodbye to choose. Also, some children eat simple food during meals, so, make sure your child is eating a healthy snack after coming back from school, for supplying energy and nutrients.
For example, you can bring a dish of soup or salad, or some fruit or a glass of milk with a meal of cereals.

Family Meals
For children in the school, the family meals are a time where children share daily events and activities with your family. So, make sure the family meeting during the evening for a meal together.

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