How to strengthen and protect our immune system even if sick around you? An important topic

How to strengthen and protect our immune system even if sick around you? An important topic

How to strengthen and protect our immune system even if sick around you? An important topic

Can you strengthen your system against existing poles What is your unlimited system? This is actually your protection. This is your army. It is your army that fights you the bad guys the pathogens are microbes that cause disease so the musicians like immigration, so it's something foreign, enters the body it has to go through the Airways it has to go maybe to the digestive system and has to get the stamp of approval from immigration and that's what your.

 the immune system does it's wrong it's costly scanning to see if you are a foreign entity that could cause harm or if you're part of the body, and once it tags you as a foreign thing that could threaten the body, it will automatically send in my defense is going to cover next there are three main barriers for the immune system of the skin so you have all these friendly bacteria on your skin that actually help protect you against foreign Invaders you also have a fat layer that protects you and you have certain that protect you and skin.

 do you have the mucus lining in your gut through the Airways to the sinuses that also capture and in golf foreign particles or microbes information is another Barry that your body puts up to protect itself the main cells in your immune system of the white blood cells compared to the red blood cells that have different functions you also have an addition to my blood cells.

 you have friendly bacteria that help you as well and the name of the friendly bacteria collectively is called the microbial or flora and those microbes help you many ways from absorption of nutrients to recycling of bile to immune defenses just one of the things they'll make it so there's just not enough space for a pathogen to live and they will make it to the is not enough food for that pathogen to live.

so let's talk about the defenses of your blood cells it makes acid to dissolve in Kill microbes are pathogens block these micros it 

releases free radicals it will make hydrogen peroxide you've probably seen that before will you take Kaiser peroxide and you put on an open cut it just dissolves it bubbles up in just kills off the microbes oxidation are white blood cells 

are enzymes to help break down and dissolve microbes not already mentioned this one is microbes compete for food or space but the white blood cells generate mucus and inflammation and sell these pathogens get caught up in this mucus web and they can't really do anything else it's like quicksand.

 also, our immune system has a memory everything is happening so everything is in the database and it can remember likes away down the road and there's a microbe that she comes back in her body and their immune system actually tags it because it is a member of that and it can destroy it so it actually learns over time by being exposed to these pathogens that have called building up your immune system. 

This is why as a child it's not very healthy to keep child just so utterly sterile that they're never exposed to the never sick it's a natural part of building the immune system then we get you something that's part of our immune system that eat things they devour micros and ravenous appetite for not just microbes in viruses and bacteria yeast and fungus but they will also eat up dead cells and debris they are the things that we don't want six billion of these guys and I think this is why this is.

Why do people consume too much vitamin C from synthetic ascorbic acid? get results even with synthetic vitamin C because the acid I would recommend just like any acid so if you have a choice I would recommend a food-based vitamin C not the synthetic but use apple cider vinegar to actually speed up ketosis and another mechanism that.

I want to mention that I didn't write down and involve certain white blood cells and white blood cells are infected by a pathogen we have this built-in mechanism that if the cell is indicated it goes to something called apoptosis word killed itself off for the benefit Hated it goes to something called apoptosis where it killed itself off for the benefit of the entire body because if they let the microbes bleach into their DNA and start reproducing then they become the copy machine that just makes the virus over and over and over the bad guys also have their defense vitamin D and they do it through the vitamin D receptor because they know that is so essential for the control of your immune system that they can block it they lower your resistance to invading the cells that so they can take it over the other thing that these sneaky little they can mimic your body tissue so you're not recognized by the immune system

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