Important facts about lactose intolerance

Important facts about lactose intolerance

Important facts about lactose intolerance

If you have a lactose intolerance, it means, in a nutshell, you are unable to digest lactose or natural sugar found in milk and other dairy products, due to the inability of your digestive system and intestines specifically, to produce sufficient amounts of lactase enzyme responsible for digesting Lactose and its degradation.
Probably not go beyond your knowledge of lactose, like you, like most people, and this is unacceptable! Therefore, we decided to keep handy in the following some important facts about this common celiac, servants!
Lactose intolerance and milk allergy two different digestives.
Lactose intolerance and milk allergy two different digestives. The first product of the inability of the body to digest the lactose in milk caused by a deficiency of lactase enzyme, with two abnormal response to the specific protein in milk.
When the child stops breastfeeding decreased lactase enzyme in their intestines. Clearly, this means that every one of us is a natural gallery of lactose.

Inclined lactose to be a hereditary condition.
Every one of us is a natural gallery of lactose.
Rarely generates one congenital intolerance to lactose, often develop symptoms in the body with age, especially in adolescence and adulthood.
Different effect of lactose on the body between person to person, ranging from symptoms among (such as diarrhea, abdominal pain) and temperate (as gases).
The incidence of lactose intolerance does not necessarily mean stop taking all forms of dairy products. In some cases, there is no problem in milk consumption of fermented milk or any types of cheeses and solid wood, in the form of parmesan.
Taking supplements can albrobiotk when you drink milk to alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance including bloating, gas and abdominal pain and nausea.
Now I have seen a notable fact regarding lactose bad, don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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