Diabetic patient. What to eat and what to avoid?

Diabetic patient. What to eat and what to avoid?

Diabetic patient. What to eat and what to avoid?

Is diabetes diet or medical food therapy (MNT) as a healthy eating plan rich natural nutrients, with low amounts of fat and calories, with a focus on fruits and vegetables and whole grains, in fact, that the diet for diabetes is better A plan for everyone.

* The purpose
If you have diabetes or prediabetes, is likely to recommend a doctor visit dietician to advise you to change your diet and food therapy medical center that can help you control the rate of blood sugar (glucose) and adjust your weight.
When dealing with larger amounts of calories and fat, your body responds by forming an undesirable increase in blood glucose, and if you don't keep your blood glucose level under control, it can lead to serious problems, such as high blood glucose level (severe elevation Blood sugar) and chronic complications like nerve damage, kidney, and heart.
Can help you choose healthy food and follow the eating habits, adjust and maintain blood glucose rate within tolerances.
For most people with type 2 diabetes can contribute to weight loss in blood glucose control easily, it also offers a range of other health benefits, and if you need to lose weight, medical food therapy (MNT) provided nutritious way A good organization to get there safely. 

* Details of the diet
the approved dietician can help you develop a diet according to your wazawakk health and lifestyle, and can provide valuable information about how to change eating habits.
First: the recommended foods

consider calories with nutritious foods:

-healthy carbohydrates
during digestion, it dissolves the sugars (simple carbohydrates) and starches ( Complex carbohydrates) to blood glucose, carbohydrate types appropriate for health, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) and low-fat dairy products.
-Foods rich in fiber
and contain all parts of plant foods that the body cannot digest or absorbed, fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease and help control blood sugar levels.
Fiber-rich foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) and whole wheat flour and wheat bran.
-Useful fish for heart health
eating fish species are beneficial to heart health at least twice a week and fish may be a good alternative to high-fat meat.
For example, cod, tuna, and halibut on lower levels of total fat and saturated fat and cholesterol compared to what is found in meat, poultry, and fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines and Royal and bluefin tuna are rich Omega 3 fatty acids, which enhance heart health by lowering blood fats called triglycerides, though, avoid fried fish and fish that contain high levels of mercury, such as king mackerel and tilefish: swordfish. 

-Good fat
saturated monounsaturated fat may help and polyunsaturated fats like avocados, almonds, and Pecans, walnuts, olives, canola, and olive oils, peanuts in reducing cholesterol.
However, you should eat these foods sparingly, all fat contain a high percentage of calories.

II: foods to be avoided

diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke by Acceleration of clogged arteries and rigid, and foods that contain following elements incompatible with the goal of a healthy diet to heart:
-saturated fat
contain dairy products are high in fat and animal protein such as beef. Sausages and sausage on saturated fats, so avoid getting more than 7 percent of daily calories from saturated fat.
-Trans fats
there are those kinds of fat in snacks and baked products and hard margarine and fat and should be avoided. 


cholesterol sources include full-fat dairy products and proteins High-fat animals such as egg yolks, shellfish, liver, and other organ meats, be sure to eat no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day.
make sure you eat at least 2.300 mg of sodium per day.

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