With the change of seasons. Doctor offers important tips for sinus sufferers

With the change of seasons. Doctor offers important tips for sinus 


With the change of seasons. Doctor offers important tips for sinus sufferers

Mather alfsolotkolbat alanvihmn mrdialgiob weather, increase the symptoms you are feeling headaches, runny nose, loss of sense of smell, sneezing and constant cold.
Explains Dr magdy Abdullah consultant ear nose and throat surgery, analgiob alanvihabarh about endocarditis inside the nose, and has several types, namely:

Alanvihalhad infection the pockets, lasts for less than 4 weeks typically, symptoms appear suddenly and are similar to the symptoms of catarrh, rhinitis the pockets alanvihalmtost, lasts from 4 weeks to 12 weeks.

Alanvihalmsman and inflammation the pockets extends for more than 12 weeks and may continue for months or even years, alanvihalmtkerr infection the pockets, affecting multiple spells of the severe patient during one year.
He advised, "Abdul Allah" need to go to a specialist as soon as symptoms appear, eat foods rich in vitamin C which helps to soothe inflammation of the nasal passages and increase body immunity, plus use nasal sprays containing decongestants and anti-materials, preventing hairs The bloody nose and facilitates breathing.

Magdi warned Abdullah, from exposure to dust and acrid odors that lead to allergies, use mouthwash daily saline, saline water is dissolved, and can be bought from pharmacies.
He added that alanvihalmsman infection the pockets can be treated with antihistamines and, in the case of negligent treatment of acute inflammation may turn it into a chronic condition, requiring surgical intervention through binoculars, which helps in her treatment.

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