14 health benefit ‎For Clove‎. You know them

14 health benefit ‎For Clove‎. You know them

14 health benefit ‎For Clove‎. You know them

Cloves (Cloves), a small nail-shaped cloves come from an evergreen tree. Often used in cooking, but, apart from its uses for cooking the cloves can play a major role in keeping the body healthy and free from diseases.
Cloves (Cloves), a small nail, shaped lobes grow from the evergreen tree. It is most often used in cooking and can play a major role in keeping the body healthy and free from diseases, it has antioxidant properties and antifungal spores and anti-virus has antiseptic and analgesic. And its source Asia and South America.
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* Below is a look at the many exciting according to results of studies available:
1. improve digestion
Carnation works to improve digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes, it is also good to reduce flatulence, intestinal irritation, indigestion, and nausea. Milling can be roasted and eaten with honey to relieve digestive disorders. He also found an effective treatment for chronic diarrhea and intestinal worms.
2. antibacterial properties
Carnation was tested for antibacterial properties against many human pathogens. Pink nails were strong enough to kill the bacteria and found to be effective against the bacteria that causes cholera.
3. chemical properties
Carnation chemical properties of cancer, published in the journal study showed Oxford Journal: Carcinogenesis as helpful in controlling lung cancer in its early stages.
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4. protect the liver
Lobes contain high amounts of antioxidants, which are ideal for the protection of the body from the effects of free radicals, especially the liver.
5. controlling diabetes
Carnation was used in many traditional treatments for a number of diseases. One of these diseases is diabetes. In patients with diabetes, the amount of insulin produced by the body either inadequate or is not produced at all. It has been found that nails cloves help in controlling blood sugar levels, and this is confirmed by a study by Dr. Ratna Prasad Chakraborty and others at Vanderbilt University School of medicine.
6. keep the bones
Involving water extracts of cloves on phenolic compounds such as eugenol and derivatives, such as alflavonat, isoflavones, walflavonoid. These vehicles are especially useful in maintaining bone density and bone mineral content and also increase bone strength in case of osteoporosis.
7. genetic mutations properties
Mutations are changing the genetic makeup of DNA, says a study cited in the Journal of agricultural and food chemistry that biochemical compounds found in cloves, such as phenol phenylpropanoids, brobanoid was able to control the effects of mutations to a great rate.
8. support the immune system
Dried clove flower bud contains vehicles help improve the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells.
9. anti-inflammatory properties
Carnation has anti-inflammatory properties and relieve pain. Studies on Carnation extracts that have been tested on laboratory mice that eugenol reduces inflammation and edema resulting from it, also confirmed that eugenol has the ability to reduce pain by inhibiting pain receptors.
10. treatment of oral diseases
Carnation can be taken for gum disease such as gingivitis. According to the study conducted at the Institute of the teeth and gums, University of Iowa, United States, that could be used to cure a toothache because of its anti-pain, it contains a similar compound balbnzokayin (a local anesthetic).
11. aphrodisiac
According to Greek medicine and experiments conducted on cloves, found that his positive properties to address sexual problems.
12. cure for headaches
A headache can be reduced by using pink. Make a paste of Clove bud and mix it with a little rock salt, and add this component to a glass of milk, you will see a rapid and effective influence in getting rid of the head pain.
Although tea tree oil (essential oils), better known as a natural cure for acne, but, sometimes using clove oil to pimples. While there are no clinical studies to support these allegations, the antibacterial properties can help kill bacteria, P. acnes that play a big role in the development of acne and eliminate bacteria on the surface of the skin that is involved in the development of acne.
14. protection against food poisoning
In laboratory tests, published in 2009, scientists found that Clove bud oil may help protect against food poisoning. After adding the clove oil to edible Apple puree, scientists noticed that Clove bud oil helped to stifle the growth of Listeria (a type of bacteria known to cause foodborne illness).
Health benefits of cloves are believed to result from alleged and anti-inflammatory effects and bacteria, and is described as physical therapy for the following health problems:
-The common cold.
-Migraine headaches.
In Germany, a government regulatory agency approved known as "EC" to use as an antiseptic and topical antibiotic.
However, the research on the health benefits of cloves is still limited.
* Possible side effects
May cause allergic reactions to clove and certain harmful effects (such as a burning sensation, increasing the risk of bleeding and lowering blood sugar levels) in some individuals; generally not recommended intake of essential oils including cloves, in exposing the child to him.

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