Depression during pregnancy. I'm not alone.

Depression during pregnancy. I'm not alone.

Depression during pregnancy. I'm not alone.

If you are pregnant, you may have heard about defrauded postpartum depression, but did you know that many women with depression during pregnancy? Where research indicates some 14-23% of all pregnant women for depression.
If you are pregnant, you've probably heard about defrauded postpartum depression, but did you know that many women with depression during pregnancy? Where research indicates some 14-23% of all pregnant women for depression.
Depression is, is untransparent and disorder which causes a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest, more temperamental disorder common among the public, this situation affects women doubled for men, be the prime time to occur during a woman's reproductive years.

* Why not take antidepressants during pregnancy seriously?
Some symptoms of depression, including changes in the level of activity and sleep and appetite and libido, pregnancy like symptoms. As a result, the doctor might expect these symptoms of pregnancy, most being depressive symptoms. Also, women also may have to talk about mood changes during pregnancy.

* Risk factors for depression during pregnancy?
Among the risk factors for depression during pregnancy:
-The pressures of life.
-History of depression.
-Poor social support.
-Unintended pregnancy.

* What are the signs and symptoms of depression during pregnancy?
Similar signs and symptoms of depression during pregnancy that occur when depression among the public, but there are additional signs may indicate depression during pregnancy, including:
Excessive concern about your baby.
-Lack of self-confidence, a sense of failure as a mother.
-The inability to feel pleasure from activities that you find enjoyable habit.
-Poor response to reassurance.
-Poor adherence to prenatal care.
-Smoking or drinking alcohol or illegal drugs.
-Poor weight gain due to incomplete or inappropriate diet.
-Thinking about suicide.

* Why is the treatment of depression during pregnancy is important?
If you're infected with unhandled depression, may not seek to receive optimum care in prenatal, or eating healthy foods that your child's needs, or possess power that lets you take care of yourself.
You are also subject to increased risk of postpartum depression in the face of trouble making links familiarity and affectionate with children.
So it is not correct to neglect it, and you should seek the appropriate treatment for the sake of your health and your baby's health.

* What are the recommendations for screening depression during pregnancy?
Recommend to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that health care providers examine depression and anxiety at least once during pregnancy.
During the examination, the doctor will likely ask you questions from the Edinburgh scale for postpartum depression or other standard screening questionnaires, consisting of questions about mood and anxiety. Temperatures are recorded your answers, and the final score can be used to determine if you have depression or not.

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