5 ways to manage your child's passive aggressive behavior

5 ways to manage your child's passive aggressive behavior

5 ways to manage your child's passive aggressive behavior

You may find that your child can remember details of the cartoon series rings that you like, but can't remember where I went when the puzzle pieces in time to clean the House, and you may find your fourth-grade student literally saves the whispered conversations to classmates, but he doesn't hear the teacher.
How do you explain the fact that mother-daughter in preschool age can remember every detail in an episode of the cartoon series rings that you like, but can't remember where I went when the puzzle pieces when it comes time to clean the House, or why her son's fourth-grade pupil which literally saves the whispered conversations to classmates who Sitting at the far end of the chapter, while insisting he did not hear the teacher is telling them their homework? Or almost up to the edge of madness because your son in eighth grade, he missed the school bus again?

* What is passive-aggressive behavior?

Passive aggressive behavior is a deliberate and hidden way to express feelings of anger, this behavior can begin in preschool when children learn that soft challenge could be more pleasing, and less likely to lead to punishment, more tantrums or whining, and other means most acute in Bir about feelings.
Passive aggressive behavior may also exist as part of normal growth stage passing, but if it is not modified, it may evolve into a lifestyle.
Passive aggression explains why children are suffering from severe amnesia in times of cleaning, or of temporary deafness when spelling homework, similarly, he explains why the response of parents rationalists and logical for minor incidents of irrational and nutritious ways of conflict.

* Forms of passive aggressive behavior
Passive aggressive behavior in children often take these forms:
-Fixation to the forehead.
-The murmur.
-Resist applications.
-Deliberately making mistakes.

* The seriousness of the negative aggression
And you might consider: "so what? These behaviors are not really the big thing. "
The destructive nature of passive aggression here exactly, on the surface, looks like normal baby behavior, such as slight irritation at worst, most parents can easily assume that minor behaviors, and overlooked despite minor beset by feelings of anger.
However, these secret revolutions resemble drops of water accumulating silently in a pot, and just at the point where surplus, most parents aware of this moment. The moment their tractor is full, and any single drop of new passive aggression children like ("I didn't know you want it now, mother"), which, despite being a small thing in itself, but it's enough to jar is full; making them yell and scream, and surprise the mother herself so badly its revolution. Moments later, filled with guilt, desperately apologizes for outrage on her child. 

* Strategies for dealing with passive aggression
Most parents are reportedly exposed to daily interaction with children aggressive they become exhausted and lose their ingenuity, but if these dynamics that occur in your family, these five strategies to help you respond to your child in ways that reduce negative aggressive conflict and sincere communication And Esquire:

1. know the warning signs of passive-aggressive behavior
Your ability to recognize the passive aggressive behaviors as they occur-and before long feelings overwhelm you-is critical, so it is important to avoid being a victim of your child's destructive way, take care not to be a partner in this game by identifying the passive aggression immediately, along with The behaviors described above, also watched these behaviors for your children. Her presence a sign of a passive aggression:
-Deny anger.
-Recent authority.
-Giving excuses.
-Use the silent treatment.
-They make others awaiting or commentators.
-Complain about the misunderstanding or ignorance.
-Finish the talks as "good" and "whatever".

2. the path as needed
Never allow yourself or anyone else that hostage to passive-aggressive behavior, for example, if one of the parents said, ' we can't go to a movie so well fed dog "it gives good control over the situation, although the intent was to create pressure on the well, the child of passive-aggressive explains. So it this way: "thank you, now I can frustrate the entire group," instead of solving the problem, the father accidentally escalate.
Generally, if you commit this mistake-we all are exposed to passive aggression-error enabled for your child, you can undo the damage, and reverse the situation by saying: "I thought about it and decided to change my mind, can we all go, but good should stay to feed dogs," and this is bringing founding father as a decision maker, while still giving My son has the authority to take a good decision

3. the model for communicating Esquire
When a child pretends not to hear, try the way famous classic tv detective, Colombo. Instead of using the technique of angry face to face, Colombo, implicate suspects smartly through the distinguished and delicate style.
The same approach is doing wonders with kids passive aggression, and this is an example of a method:
"The mother asked her to wear his coat before leaving, after three requests unanswered, approached him and talked softly, as if talking to herself, but loud enough to hear her son: isn't that interesting, I asked Ibrahim to wear his coat and pretend he didn't hear me, I will ask him again to see what So does ". Then she looked at him directly in the eyes and said: "Abraham, would you please wear your coat?" and actually answered the child, and put his coat and wore his shoes immediately.
Remember – the goal is to make you passive aggressive child explode in anger; when keeps quiet Colombo, your child learns that passive aggressive behaviors will succeed and be forced to deal with you differently.

4. Select your expectations clearly.
When I have a negative pattern of aggressive son pretend misunderstanding or ignorance of the rules, for example, his father says "I thought you meant to finish my homework after playing football", the most effective way to deal with this child is crystal clear forecast in early trading, never assume that a child Passive aggressive understand your request, even though he had been performing the task that you set many times before, be sure to review your expectations concerning the quantity, quality, deadlines and dates. And do not use the tone of sarcasm in your voice as you tailor the request, but set your expectations with a neutral tone and resolute.
For example, for the child who says he doesn't know what's playing time versus the time allotted for work, you might say, "Adham, when all homework is complete and correct, and after my signature to his notebooks, you can go out and play soccer until dinner time.

5. the foundations for logical consequences
Procrastination is a common pattern in passive-aggressive behavior in children, and the best way to deal with this type of behavior is to identify logical consequences; for example, if you tell a fifth grade student to wear school uniform immediately after gym class, but it comes out of the pitch late for lessons, and are still Wearing play clothes, not from construction to argue with them or to get into a long discussion about her excuses for delay and, instead, keep them honest and respectful manner that says: "I've decided not to change in time, so we'll choose quit playing early next week," If you try daughter Arguing that drives you to argue with her, don't swallow the bait and engage in an argument with her. You remain calm and do not interact with her anger is the most effective way to disengage the passive aggressive conflict and disarm the force of her anger.

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