Recent study: neglect exercise more dangerous than smoking

Recent study: neglect exercise more dangerous than smoking

Recent study: neglect exercise more dangerous than smoking

A recent study indicated that lack of regular exercise and lifestyle is more dangerous than smoking, diabetes and heart disease.
According to the site "El Manana" in the Spanish translation of "urgent" report, the study demonstrated a relationship between lack of exercise and the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular disease.
The researchers conducted the study on 122 thousand patients have undergone testing exercise in "Cleveland" between 1991 and 2014, to measure mortality rates for all causes related to exercise and fitness.
The study found that exercise continuously directly linked to lower mortality, in addition to the positive effects of exercise on human health.
Wael Jaber said a doctor heart disease at the Cleveland Clinic and lead author of the study: "we found in our study that there is no limit to how much exercise, you should encourage everyone to achieve high levels of fitness and preserved."
Jaber described the study as "very surprising"; where long-term benefits results to exercise even at maximum levels, regardless of age or heart disease or blood vessels.

A modern study confirmed that non-exercise workout is also linked to heart diseases, such as atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease.

The study showed that exercise reduced the mortality rate among patients suffering from high blood pressure to 30% compared to patients who do not practice exercises.

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