8 magic words every child likes to hear.

8 magic words every child likes to hear.

8 magic words every child likes to hear.

Words can do miracles, it helps to motivation and success, including increasing frustration and despair, we must, therefore, good care what we say to our children, so we help them evolve and excellence rather than lead them to failure.
Don't forget, mother to all say it affects your child and cannot be forgotten easily, and make sure to say those words that the child likes to hear.
I love you
Of phrases that have a significant role in the formation of the child's personality, it matters a lot and likes to make sure that his mother loves him and appreciate him, as she learned the meaning of love and concern that should give to those around him.
Preferably a child hears these words daily, and at certain times have a greater impact, such as before leaving for school, or before the child sleep in his bed, the child needs farewells for support and even stuck in his mind until he meets his mother again, but it will make him smile.

What are you thinking?

It's a question, not just the words, but it opens a lot of sight in children's thinking, to know the mother more information about mentality, and help strengthen and develop itself.
Importantly in this question, it helps the child to express his feelings, as well as creativity in say pretty words make him feel happy when he says, as well as the mother.
This question provides an opportunity to create a conversation between mother and child, you miss a lot of families after the advent of technology that creates between mother and sons.

I know you can do this.

Not imagine how wonderful this sentence will be in resonance when the child, it gives great confidence in itself, as well as greater responsibility for moving.
This sentence out your scope of fear and anxiety about the power and ability to assume responsibilities and burdens, and self-reliance.
Say this phrase in situations that you feel that your child cannot make a decision, and he needs support from you.

I apologize to you.

A simple statement, but it contains a lot of important lessons that the child needs to learn the importance of apology and that this little is known and not, as it brings intimacy and closeness between mother and child.
Apologizing is the kind of respect and mutual appreciation, it makes the child more humble in dealing with people, unlike the arrogance even with error, and suffered by many mothers.
While the apology is the wrong assumption, pain or excessive nervousness with the failure of the child make a mistake worth fanaticism, and other situations where the mother feels she missed with her child.
In contrast, it shouldn't be apologizing for no reason, and don't ask your child to do this only if he makes a mistake.
You are responsible for doing
This term is associated with the wrong child, insist on doing a particular Act meets a mother from her point of view, the child must take responsibility for what he wants to do, and the mother must be seriously I told him if he was in error.
With this line, leave your child space to think and rethink what he decided, because he knows that there are consequences for what they will do, so teaching your child to distinguish between right and wrong.

I'm proud of you.

As the child is punished the wrong, should be rewarded on the right thing done, give them more confidence in themselves, as he motivates them to correct linearity happy father and mother.
Boost your child in front of everyone when he does something worth this, don't hesitate to say words of praise that is happy and increase its value amid all, but be careful so you don't turn this into a habit, the right thing is just who needs pride.

I forgave you.

The wrong baby is not the end of the world, but it is healthy to learn, so must come time and forgive your child for what he did, but after the appropriate punishment for this Act.
The child must realize the meaning of tolerance and its importance in our lives, and how it can be tolerant, as they feature polite and shutting down.
With a child's penalty on the error, you must feel you love him at the same time, your anger is fear and not hate him, and that's what we have to explain it to him after forgiving him.

Try again

Who among us does not pass the failed experiments, but successful is irresistible and try again until it achieves what he wants, and that's what should we teach our children, too, must realize that there is something called retry, and more than once, for a child is the strength of will and love.
And always try to let your child try out yourself, and watch him know how to behave, and if I need you to help support him, but make it is his opinion and act first.
And can also contribute to putting up some ideas that will help your child to achieve what he wants, but without direct intervention or minimize it.
And with time, you will develop your child's experience in love and the pursuit of what he wishes, and enjoy the flavor.

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