4 people didn't drink only water for a month. What happened to them?

4 people didn't drink only water for a month. What happened to them?

4 people didn't drink only water for a month. What happened to them?

At a time when many dependent on drink juices of all kinds throughout the day, to the point where you forget them sometimes need access to adequate ratios of water, uncovering an interesting experiment by 4 individuals, consisted in not getting any drink throughout the whole month, unlike water, see what happened to them?
An exciting experience
Might look for some easy experience, those that require dispensed drinks all over 30 days, drinking water, instead of her, but it isn't for those who used to get coffee and tea daily, for them is a really fatal experience.
The experiment conducted by the site "Buzz Feed", which was used by 4 participants, young and two girls, are known to rely on side drinks throughout the day, they all came to the results deserve attention with the end of the experiment known as the challenge of the month without drinks only water.

Challenge results
First came the challenge results appeared with only one week of its beginning, is suffering from participants of headaches, fatigue and stress, as well as not to feel the psychological comfort, but the real surprise, consisted of increasing weight appeared on all participants.
Experts pointed out that such an increase in weight probably occurred from real participants feeling they are able to eat any foods without indifferently, as dependent on drinking water health, resulted in an increased amount of food that they receive daily, which increase the weight by the end of the month.
One participant said that the interest that cannot be ignored, and humiliations with the end of the test, is his ability to sleep early because he doesn't drink coffee in the evening, with one participant indicated that she began to feel that her body has become humid or not before, before the start of the test.

Interesting that the 4 participants their views sometimes differed on the test results, but they all agreed on the topic, as well as the lack of desire to resubmit him later despite its usefulness, expert comment, surely it's okay to drink such a side rich in caffeine, But bearing in mind that water must remain the basic human drink anyway.

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