Adverse childhood experiences. What are they and how do they affect us?

Adverse childhood experiences. What are they and how do they affect us?

Adverse childhood experiences. What are they and how do they affect us?

Adverse childhood experiences not only affect mental health, but also affect the physical health, where lead exposure in childhood for many serious diseases, and human exposure to the risk of premature death, and the risk increases with increasing exposure to these experiences.
Most of us know that adverse childhood experience Adverse Childhood Experiences ACEs impact on mental health of human, but what we don't know that these experiences also impact on human health in General, where lead exposure in childhood for many serious diseases, human presents the risk of premature death, Risk increases with increasing exposure to these experiences in childhood.
* What are the adverse childhood experiences?
Adverse childhood experiences (Developmental growth shock trauma) is a term used to describe a childhood trauma, such as chronic abuse or neglect or any harsh ordeal (such as life-threatening disease or family life or death) other children in their homes or nurturing environments.
When a child is exposed to overwhelming stress, no help, and protection of the caregiver, or when the caregiver is himself due to stress, that the child is suffering from shock.
And most doctors familiar with the term "Posttraumatic distress disorder (PTSD), but the vast majority of children who have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences in their childhood won't post-traumatic distress disorder, and instead, they are at risk of a range of emotional diseases Complex physical and cognitive that lasts throughout their lives, according to an extensive study by the CDC at the ends of the last century.
* Types of adverse childhood experience growth shocks or adverse childhood experiences are family trauma chronic, such as a parent with mental illness, or loss of a parent due to divorce, desertion, imprisonment or death or witnessing domestic violence or homework or during wars and crises, or not feeling Love and emotional absence of parents, or do not feel that the family is close, or not having enough food or clean clothing, as well as verbal or physical or sexual.
And the impact of these experiences was discussed extensively, in an extensive study involving more than fifteen thousand adults, is a famous study known as adverse childhood events study (ACEs).

* Adverse childhood experiences lead to lifelong illnesses this study, which started in 1995 in California and continues even now to monitor health changes that occur to the participants periodically, aimed to explore the relationship between growth and shocks, physical and mental diseases, and asked Adults recall their experiences in early life, and identified "degree of adverse childhood experiences, based on the number of the person experiences in his childhood.
The study showed that adults who were exposed to higher rates of adverse experiences in their childhood have higher rates of serious physical health problems, high risk health behaviours, early disease and mortality, and surprisingly the study data, data from thousands of health studies Other collected since the year 2010 show a strong relationship between dose and adverse experiences negative consequences on health, meaning that the greater the number of growth trauma suffered in childhood, the greater the number of diseases that suffer after puberty, and these effects persist even after risk control Even after moving away from the abusive environment.
List of diseases and behavioral problems that increase with exposure to adverse childhood experiences more long and flat, for example, increase the probability of smoking, alcohol, and drugs, and work instability rates, preferring not to move and still life lazy.
And he found that people who were exposed to adverse childhood experiences are more prone to obesity, diabetes and heart disease and cancers, stroke, immunological diseases, respiratory problems, and also psychological problems such as depression and generalized anxiety disorder and suicidal tendencies. Etc.
* Groups vulnerable to adverse childhood experiences study results are important not just for the link between trauma and childhood experiences to ill-health, but also because of the nature of the population who was schooled, where middle-class and white form the largest proportion of the study sample, and levels of education High, and yet the data show that rates of adverse childhood experiences is remarkably high, and the proportion of getting 3 or more rates between 15-20%, defying this data the idea that trauma occurs only within certain groups marginalized or "at risk".

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