That's why experts warn eating bananas at breakfast!

That's why experts warn eating bananas at breakfast!

That's why experts warn eating bananas at breakfast!

Although people love for banana fruit with delicious taste recent studies have emphasized the need to exclude these fruit from morning breakfast menu for several reasons!

For many people, the banana is an indispensable part of daily breakfast. They consider this fruit is a source of energy before the start of the day, however, nutritionists found that adding bananas to our breakfast list is harmful to health, studies have shown that high blood sugar is the most important what we get when eating bananas at breakfast, is what made them whistle alarm.

Dealing with athletes particularly bananas contain potassium and magnesium and vitamin B6, as he fast energy source for the body, because it contains natural sugar. But the British nutritionist Dr. Darryl for cross warned website specialist online BYRDIE to eat this fruit in the morning, calling it the worst thing could be added for breakfast at all.
According to the expert, the banana problem lies in potassium-rich components, as well as fiber and magnesium, which the body cannot absorb it, if I eat this fruit alone, but it needs fat in order to enable the human body to benefit from them, without this fat eating bananas abstract especially in the morning lose. Health advantages and converts it to a source of sugars only.

Ghori expert adds specialized site "looks like a banana in the morning option, but with a closer look, you'll find that bananas are eaten alone" is not the best option and follow the expert has a banana on a very high percentage of fructose (about 25%), which makes the insulin level in the blood rises quickly, But back to decline again quickly similar what causes stress for the body and cause you to lose focus and hunger again.
The other drawback to bananas that fermented during digestion and turns into a substance similar to alcohol, which contributes to show acidity in the body during digestion, which can stimulate to infections within the body and promote conditions for osteoporosis or gout in the body. according to nutritionist, useful fruit banana But if handled correctly, the solution lies in eating them after lunch as the healthy fat and herbs and spices can neutralize the acid contained in the article, can the body from absorbing nutrients nature elements contained in the fruit, leading to easy digestion of the fruit inside the body.

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