Before you leave your child sleeps in a single room, read these tips

Before you leave your child sleeps in a single room, read these tips


Before you leave your child sleeps in a single room, read these tips

An excessive fear problem facing many children, some are afraid to sleep alone, or mix with new people and create a talk with them, and other concerns.
Made me serious psychological counseling, consultant to the early years of children's lives is the most dangerous years age, personality traits and composed through the sights, and determined if he would kid sure of himself or discouraged implies.

She advised me to serious, need to follow the following guidelines for the upbringing of the child only psychologically:

1. allow the child to talk and express the feelings of fear, and you must respect that.
2. you must accept the child's fears and give him full security.
3.try to know the source of fear and attitude, and try to deal with him.
4. preferred not to fight in front of your child, avoid loud, advised to resolving marital disputes away from them.
5. stay away from the wrong methods, such as the use of violence and intimidation, or demonstrate quite so much for children.
6. not to scare the child to force him to do something because that affects personality.
7. use good form and role model to him to encourage him to do what you want.
8. allow him to learn and interact with others, to feel the love of people, and increasingly confident in himself.
9. talk to him about the supernatural abilities, he could overcome everything in life.

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