Causes of obsessive compulsive disorder

Causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Despite the many theories and research about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), scientists could not yet determine the cause behind this twist cutter condition I have.
Despite the many theories and research about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), scientists could not yet determine the cause behind this twist cutter condition I have.

But theories are centered around possible causes of the obsessive-compulsive disorder, suggesting either a mixture of genetic and neurological and biological factors and behaviors gained pregnancy and environmental factors or certain life events in a certain stage of a person's life.

In this article from my family will wrap up for you some of the findings of these theories, our servants!
Biological factors, foremost among them: hormonal and diminution aprotinin rate in the brain.
Genetic factor, any particular gene inherited from parents is not specified.
Acquire negative ideas and behavioural patterns of certain life experiences or particular persons.

Environmental factors, including parental treatment methods and infections and painful life events (such as the death of a loved one or a big car accident).
While still influential factors in obsessive-compulsive disorder and causes debated and discussed, scientists assert that this chronic condition (most times) are curable with psychotherapy and medication.

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