What happens to your body if you don't drink enough water?

What happens to your body if you don't drink enough water?


Water is about 60% of the human body and to enjoy good health, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of water a day because hydration is essential to assist all members of the body to work efficiently.
Khsaeion confirms that the average person should drink about 2 liters of water a day, the quantity in high-temperature areas, human wishes, could face 5.
Limited fluid intake to constipation. While we tend to think of fiber as the first cause of constipation, lack of water can also be a cause of constipation.

Although the fiber helps to pull toxins from the intestines, these toxins out of the body without cannot be exorcized, and only in the water.

Dry skin
If the body gets enough water, this effect can appear on the skin, lack of water into the dry skin is a symptom like oil shortage sharp skin.
Water deficiency symptoms are similar and lack of oil in the skin, as this can cause itching and sensitivity to imperfection and Peel, which threatens the ability of the skin to repel any attacks possible satisfactory.
Kidney and bladder problems and urinary tract
There is a symbiotic relationship between kidney and water, the kidneys are working on regulating water balance in the body, namely, the constant need for water to remove waste from the bloodstream.

Besides the liver kidneys are working to regulate the body's natural filtration, so it needs water to work properly, and if you don't have enough water, you may end up with a bladder and urinary tract infections.

Feeling hungry
Lack of water may feel hungry human. And if you just ate, but you don't feel full, try drinking a glass of water, because this will make you feel full.
Feeling disoriented and tired
The lack of water in the body can affect the power cells and perception, which are difficult for the body to stay alert. As the body needs oxygen to vital posts daily, and water is an important source for that.

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