Common hair problems. Causes and treatment

Common hair problems. Causes and treatment

Common hair problems. Causes and treatment

We often have a compass for our health, it reflects what we feel, but even with all the attention to our hair, shape, size, and color may change unexpectedly.
We often have a compass for our health, it reflects what we feel, but even with all the attention to our hair, shape, size, and color may change unexpectedly.
The hair is of multiple mirrors to our health because it can refer to the basic imbalances, so in this article,, we will present Joomla tips to get healthy hair and happier and help you trace the roots of your hair problems and underlying causes.
* A weak haircare noticed more hair than usual on the banks of the bathroom? Usually, this happens gradually, and it happens twice as often hair because of the lack of balance in the body, and common reasons for weak hair are:
1. having stress.
Check how you feel, finally, because stress causes a dramatic increase in cortisol, which leads to an imbalance in hormones in a woman's body.
2. poor diet in old study in menopause in women during menopause, hormonal changes can affect or impair the hair loss, the study suggested that women who goes through this stage of life away from supplements, And pay more attention to their diet and eating rich foods ballerina (affecting the absorption of iron and zinc), proteins, copper and selenium. We note here that the following foods are a very rich ballerina:
-Fish, beef, soybeans, lentils, and peanuts.
* Dry hair or course, unlike silky hair that appears in ads for shampoo, when passing the fingers through the bristles are sometimes fragile and often broken. Common causes of coarse hair or dry:

1. high heat, since the greater the hottest hair dryer (dyes), contributed to make your hair more damage. The best way to dry the hair gently roll a towel, which helps retain moisture during the notoriously dry. If the electric dryer drying is necessary, you must make the hand at a distance of 5 to 10 cm at least. Don't put heat in one place for more than 30 seconds for ordinary dryers and 15 seconds if you got your drying air temperature (93 ° c).
2. was the shampoo did a great job in removing dirt and fat accumulation, but also removes sebum from the hair, and is of natural oils that create a simple shiny hair. Try to make the watershed at a rate of at least one day between each wash.
3. bleached to remove the color from your hair, but it makes every strand to swell so he can reach the inner axle and remove the melanin, which gives hair natural pigment compound can also be low-quality cleaning products or individual treatments that make your hair rough.
4. dye turns out chemical dyes can obscure poetry of natural oils. Which change the fabric, and leaves her cruel inflexible.
* Hair tangled hard of combing your hair in the morning on unusual? This indicates the presence of tangles in your hair, braids, and skin that make some complicated hair on some, common causes of interlaced hair are:
1. heat flat iron work, and roller wrap hair, wrap hair bacilli, hair dryers, hair fibers, burning and this will raise the skin and hair tangles events over time. So experts recommend using thermal tools only once a week.
2. comb the hair combing hair over destructor insult. So instead, use the comb distance between his teeth, start from the bottom towards the top, and then sweep before bathing when hair is dry. Wet mopping can interrupt ringlets.

* Greying prematurely gray may be added to the natural hair color pet for some, but it is a big shock for others, whether you choose to leave those silver strands or cover them up, you have to understand the reason, common causes of gray hair are:
1. an unbalanced diet if you don't get enough food or appropriate metal, there's a chance for the appearance of gray in your hair, and one study suggests low ferritin levels and calcium and vitamin D-3, another study attributed this to lower the amount of copper. Zinc and iron which is addressed.
2. inheritance often, family members will have a similar schedule for you.
* Curly hair sometimes, some feel that his hair hairstyle whenever he wanted, or destructive brush back as it was. Common reasons for curly hair:
1. using the wrong product is the main reason for Frizz hair force is reduced over time and this can occur as a result of unbalanced nutrition or hair products.
2. you need to cut your hair to your hair growth does not mean that you should get rid of manicured recursively, unless they're called obedience schools every month or so, cracked endings to form and lead to Frizz.
3. suffering from the shock of air experts shows that the problem of curly hair may appear about six months after a tragic event, and can be anything from the death of someone dear to HIV infection.

* When should you see a doctor? Most of the time, hair health reform by us personally by observing what we eat and how to manage stress levels, however, there are cases where to put poetry indications for symptoms of a bigger problem.
Experts believe that it is important for women to get hormones and thyroid levels, where they could all contribute to hair loss, and even the slightest flaw in masculinity and femininity hormones can lead to weakened hair, for example,e, high testosterone in PCOS leads to increased facial hair.
But if there are no symptoms of horrendous hair became less shiny, the good news is, that the hair more often corrects its life cycle after some minor adjustments in our lifestyle.

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