Usually our wrong during colds than our worse!

Usually our wrong during colds than our worse!

Usually our wrong during colds than our worse!

Most of us suffer from a runny nose when catching the flu or colds, so keep trying to remove thick mucus to open the airway.
But, it seems that the method of removing mucus, or what is known as the altmkhit process, can be bad for us, with the creation of additional health problems wasn't anticipated.
Certainly the feeling of clogged drain sinuses due to an accumulation of mucus, but mostly, it is evidence of swelling and inflammation of the nasal openings.
Speaking with Good Housekeeping, said the doctor, Lucy Pelton: "alum hit is not a good thing, as it can hurt inside the nose, and damage the lining of the nose and sinuses. This can cause discomfort and may make the patient more susceptible to sinusitis.
Also, one of the surgeons said that alum hit strongly deflected air ducts associated with our ears and our eyes, causing more pain.

-What should we do when a stuffy nose?
First, press your finger on one of the nostrils, leaving the other open, so as to bring out the mucus in comfort.
Secondly, avoid alum hit in an attempt to cleanse your nose, what causes the deterioration of the health situation.
III, use Nasal Decongestants, which can help relieve symptoms, while the anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce swelling and pain.

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