Diabetics risk blindness

Diabetics risk blindness


Diabetics risk blindness

Threatens all diabetes patients losing their sight, so diabetics should not underestimate its impact on their health and their sight. Which means that all who has diabetes type I or II, which estimated 415 million adults around the world, are at risk of retinopathy caused by diabetes.
Nor characterized the early stages of retinopathy caused by diabetes usually bye symptoms. However, often the disease develops unnoticed until its effect on vision. Bleeding may cause abnormal blood vessels in the retina to specks "floating". These spots can be unclear sometimes. But in case this situation without quick treatment often repeated bleeding, what increases the risk of permanent vision loss.
World Health Organization statistics indicate that approximately 253 million people suffer from poor vision worldwide, 36 million of them qualified and 217 million suffer from problems ranging from severe average consideration, and 81% of them aged 50 or older, diabetic retinopathy is caused by one of these pathogens Cases, and this figure is expected to increase up to 642 million by the year 2040.
As studies show that four out of every six adults living with diabetes in the Middle East and North Africa still not echocardiographic, the greater the duration of being diabetic, the risk of greater visual problems.
Number of people living in the UAE
Prevalence of retinopathy caused by diabetes in the U.A.E. State about 19% of the population. The figures revealed by the International Diabetes Federation that 17.3% of residents aged between 20 and 79 years old suffer from type 2 diabetes, with more than a million people with diabetes in the State, which ranks 15th globally in terms of prevalence of diabetes compared With age.
Everyone who has diabetes type I or II are at risk of retinopathy caused by diabetes
Rapid change has contributed to the lifestyle of the population throughout the region to register an increase in the incidence of diabetes. It is likely that people with diabetes suffer from the condition may cause damage to their sight. This leads to highlight the growing need for awareness and eye examination every year, to be able to ophthalmologists to recognize or identify any signs of retinal detachment and radial indestructibility prevent long-term damage.

And one out of three patients with diabetes healthcare retinopathy caused by diabetes. Retinopathy affects caused by diabetes on blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue called the retina, which stands out the back of the eye. It is the most common cause of vision loss among diabetics and the main cause of Visual impairment and blindness among adults of working age. This condition is called diabetic macular edema.
One out of three patients with diabetes healthcare retinopathy caused by diabetes
And diabetic macular edema known as an accumulation of fluid in the area of the retina called retinal spot. The patch is important for clear and correct vision used this spot to read and recognition and leadership. As diabetic macular edema is classified as the most common cause of vision loss among people who suffer from retinopathy caused by diabetes.
And about half the patients with retinopathy caused by diabetes diabetic macular edema. Although this case is likely to accompany the exacerbation of retinopathy, however, they may infect patients in any stage of diabetes.
It can help diagnose eye problems at an early stage in preventing disease progression in a serious way. With high rates of non-diabetes cases diagnosed among the population, experts strongly recommend that urgent efforts to improve health awareness of diabetic patients about serious complications, including diabetic macular edema.

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