Herbs that are harmful to the health of pregnant women

Herbs that are harmful to the health of pregnant women

Herbs that are harmful to the health of pregnant women

During pregnancy pregnant must be careful to eat and drink are beneficial to their health and the health of her unborn child, especially herbs, some are harmful and may lead to abortion. Let us introduce you to types of herbs that are harmful to the health of pregnant women and that you should avoid.

The ring

To ring a lot of benefits: calming the skin, treat the symptoms of menopause and stimulate the birth, however, causing premature birth to cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus, increases asthma, and gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and gas.

Not proven safe cinnamon on pregnant women, but it is advisable not to cause side effects when taken up for long.

Cause eating pregnant women of fetal brain damage licorice, thus many mental and behavioral problems have such aggressive, adding that increases the risk of premature birth.

Senna leaves
You should consult your doctor before eating during pregnancy or breastfeeding, where to eat in large quantities and for a long time cause colic, liver damage, imbalance and bowel habit on laxatives.

Asian ginseng
Ginseng affects negatively on the fetus, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, being cause fetal abnormalities

Pregnant women should avoid eating Ginkgo as it may cause premature delivery or increased bleeding during childbirth.
Be wary also of high doses of almirah, basil, ginger, and Rosemary during pregnancy because of their side effects on pregnancy.
You should consult your doctor or pharmacist before turning to alternative therapies like herbs because not everything is normal or free from side effects and damage.

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