Thousand-year-old common molder surprise about milk. The news may interest you

Thousand-year-old common molder surprise about milk. The news may interest you

Thousand-year-old common molder surprise about milk. The news may interest you

Although popular sayings, famous milk during infection colds, accelerates healing, medical experts, they lack this information completely, to the surprise of many fingers in milk's ability to protect them from cold and cold and high heat.

A scientific article, denied the magazine "Laryngoscope, frequents health drink hot milk with honey, is useful in the treatment of colds, according to ABS" Zvezda ".

The experts found that consuming milk, when cold, aggravate symptoms and cause coughing and hoarseness, allergies, because it pushes the body to further secretion of mucus, allowing persistent cough and runny nose, for longer.
It is said that this recipe, she appeared before 1000 years, at the hands of the famous physician Maimonides, but newly discovered they lacked the scientific evidence, so doctors recommend warm drinks during colds, but not including milk.

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