Immunizations of children born prematurely

Immunizations of children born prematurely

Immunizations of children born prematurely

Shortly after the birth of your child is be surprised by your doctor tells you to need to make your little one premature baby for birth vaccinations.
It is true that most parameters of growth of premature babies late for appointments "natural" If you will, but except for vaccinations.
They are born with immune organs are incomplete, and if I thought that was the reason to tell over their injections, you're wrong! The fact that it is not permissible to delay only a fraction of them and the rest is necessary for good time according to the actual date of birth for each of them.
It is true that most parameters of growth of premature babies late for appointments "natural" If you will, but except for vaccinations.
Do the vaccinations on time is essential for premature babies and why?
Vaccinations of unchallenged, one of the most important medical breakthroughs. And the significance of its effectiveness in preventing disease and preterm children generally, especially daunting. Here are the reasons why timely vaccinations are necessary for infants:
Preventable diseases are, first and foremost: a whooping cough and pneumococcal and influenza, and common in preterm children compared with children born at term.
Despite the small size of the babies and the immaturity of their immune response, they interact heavily with vaccinations, including much premature boy or I need steroids while he was in intensive care. They may need extra doses of some vaccinations to protect.

Not face premature babies who are the health risk by receiving a vaccination. But the risk of breathing difficulty within two days or is dose injection Villa in very premature babies who are still in custody or still connected to a breathing apparatus. From here the need to subject them to strict oversight for 48 hours at least after every vaccine.
Vaccinations of unchallenged, one of the most important medical breakthroughs. And the significance of its effectiveness in preventing disease and preterm children generally, especially daunting.
No vaccinations to defer the due date?
Although the need for subjecting infants vaccinations on time, it assumes some delay, including:
Hepatitis b vaccine: this vaccine consists of three doses. The first dose can be given to a premature baby born weighing at least 2 kg, otherwise, it will be necessary to wait until that rate.
BCG against tuberculosis: this vaccine is not effective in infants born before 34 weeks. So the supposed birth dose is postponed to the time where the newborn gestational age.
All rotavirus vaccine to reduce diarrhea: the first dose of this vaccine in preterm infants born at 32 or more week of pregnancy. Otherwise, the doctor had to be overlooked rather than postpone it.
Reference to the information contained in this article of "family" health education objective and does not substitute for consulting your doctor.

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