6 health damage of vegetable oils

6 health damage of vegetable oils

6 health damage of vegetable oils

Some believe that there are many health benefits to using vegetable oil in food preparation, but in fact indicate several scientific studies and research into the consumption of vegetable oils can cause many health hazards, what are the health effects?
Some believe that there are many health benefits to using vegetable oil in food preparation, this popular belief to the pervasive belief that plant-based foods are healthy and harmless, they think that this applies to turn on plant-based oils, but in fact Several points of scientific studies and research into the consumption of vegetable oils can cause many health hazards, as they lead to physiological changes in the body contribute to the occurrence of many diseases.
What are the health effects of consuming vegetable oils?

1. the majority of vegetable oils are non-natural oils
The majority of vegetable oil that we consume today such as soybean, sunflower and corn oil, canola, cottonseed oils are manufactured by default; the process of manufacture heating to elevated temperatures, and add many chemicals, and therefore cannot be considered origins Normal.
Beside this, it began manufacturing these vegetable oils for the first time in nearly 100 years only, so it is alien to the human diet, containing those oils a large amount of a type of non-saturated fatty acids called Omega-6, which proved their adverse effects on health when consumed In large quantities.

2. adversely affect body cells
Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids needed by the human body, where it plays an essential role in many vital functions that affect various organs of the body, because the body's ability to manufacture, it is necessary that the body gets its need of those fatty acids through The food, but the most important thing that gets these two types of balanced acids.
It contains vegetable oils high in omega-6 compared to know-3, so it causes consumption in upsetting the balance required between these two the acids within the body, causing increasing Omega-6 by damaging cell membranes and many other cellular parts as DNA.

3. increase the risk of infections and chronic diseases
As mentioned above, containing vegetable oils high in omega-6 comparison of baumiga-3, it was found that consumption of food rich baumiga-6, baumiga-3 poor contributes to inflammation.
Unfortunately, the chronic inflammation may lead to many serious diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, depression, and even some types of cancer, but can avoid inflammatory – and then those consequences – through eating foods re The balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 inside the body.

4. rich in trans fat
Information others are common on vegetable oils rich in trans fats, trans fat is highly toxic materials, linked to increased risk of several diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, prompting many government agencies concerned about health World to take several actions to require food manufacturers to reduce trans fat in their products, which requires the need to reduce consumption of processed vegetable oils or avoided.

5. vegetable oils increase the risk of heart disease
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death worldwide. And many studies and research suggests a relationship between the consumption of vegetable oil, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, probably because the rich vegetable baumiga-6 leading to inflammation as we pointed out, which in turn increase the risk of Heart disease.

6. vegetable has lead to many diseases
As mentioned above, the consumption of vegetable oils adversely affects the health of the body's cells, besides the role in inflammation, therefore it is expected that this will lead to a number of diseases other than the foregoing. Where there are many preliminary studies and animal studies show a link between the consumption of those oils and asthmatic crises and eczema in children, depression, high suicide rates, and the incidence of cancerous tumors. But the overwhelming evidence on the role of vegetable in causing these diseases remains incomplete.
In conclusion, we must acknowledge the fact that vegetable oils have become an essential part of our daily diet, increasing damage, imposes the need for caution and rationalize consumption, can help us:
-Rely on natural oils and margarine where possible.
-Choose the types of less industrialized and most oils rich in natural materials. Not looking for the purest of oils but choose raw.
-Reduce the quantities consumed.
-Expose these oils for lowest possible temperatures.

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