Of trans fat double damage on the health of your heart.

Of trans fat double damage on the health of your heart.

Of trans fat double damage on the health of your heart.

Doctors considered that trans fat from the worst kinds of fat that we eat also called trans fatty acids, unlike other fats raise bad cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins LDL) and lowers HDL (high-density lipoproteins HDL) in the blood.
High cholesterol increases LDL, bad cholesterol and decreases good HDL risk of heart disease, which is the main cause of death for men and women, so it's important to get to know trans fat and how to avoid them. 

What is trans fat?
Some meat and dairy products contain small amounts of trans fat, and naturally occurring.
Most trans fat is formed through industrial processes that add hydrogen to vegetable oil, hydrogenated fat.
These hydrogenated fats become solid at room temperature and are less susceptible to corruption, and foods made from them have a longer life, and some restaurants use partially hydrogenated oils in deep Fryer because they don't need to change frequently like other liquid oils. 

Where is trans fat?
Manufactured trans fat, also known as partially hydrogenated oils, are found in a variety of food products, including
baked goods
most cakes, cookies, pies, and crackers contain trans fat, Usually made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, and prefab ice cream is another source of trans fat.
potato chips and corn waltortila also contain trans fats, although popcorn can be a healthy snack, trans fat may be used to cook popcorn packaged microwave popcorn. Or to add flavor.

foods that require deep fryings, such as French fries and doughnuts and fried chicken can contain trans fat oils used in cooking.
Refrigerate doughs
products like canned biscuits, toasties, rolls often contain trans fat, also frozen pizza.
Kremer ghee
coffee whiteners and margarine also contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.
Read the labels of food products do you prefer to discover trans-fats
in the USA consider the food contains zero grams of trans fat if it contains less than 0.5 Grams of trans fat in the diet, and yet this hidden trans fat can lead to a high percentage of these fat, especially if you eat several products from foods that contain less than 0.5 grams.
So we should not only examine food card but also check the list of food ingredients (ingredients), if partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in the ingredients, this shows that the food contains trans fat, even if it is mentioned as zero grams.
How should minimize the quantities we eat of trans fat?
Trans fat, specially manufactured species, found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, no known health benefit, the USDA recommends that keeps eating these fats as low as possible.
And do not recognize the food and Drug Administration (FDA) that the partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are safe, and urged to phase out its production over the next few years.
How trans fat causes damage?
Worried doctors from trans fat because of their effect on cholesterol levels, leading to increased low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein reduced.
-Low-density lipoprotein or LDL, bad cholesterol builds up in artery walls, leading to strong and tall.
-High-density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol HDL, that captures excess is and bring him back to the liver.
If ruptured arteries due to fatty deposits, this can lead to the formation of clots, which in turn prevents blood flow to part of the heart, causing heart attacks, or to part of the brain, causing a stroke. 

What are the safest oils and fats?
I do think that trans fat-free food is good for you automatically, food manufacturers have begun to replace trans fat with other components, some of these ingredients, such as tropical oils (coconut oil India, palm kernel, and palm oil) contain a lot of saturated fat, Saturated fats also raise bad cholesterol or LDL.
In a healthy diet, 25-35 percent of the total daily calories can come from fat, but saturated fat should constitute less than 10% of the total daily calories.
The best choices are unsaturated, monounsaturated fats in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, as found in nuts, fish, and other foods containing polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, and these options are options It is a good idea.

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