Stay fit in the winter with five effective tips

Stay fit in the winter with five effective tips

Stay fit in the winter with five effective tips

Exercise in the summer is important and very healthy, and better than any other season, that burns fat and calories are higher in the summer due to high temperature, if you're addicted to exercising aerobics in every classroom, learn the most important tips that You follow in the winter to maintain your fitness and get a perfect body no matter what the circumstances.
1. stay warm:

This important advice at rest and during exercise in the effort. And even lead your body exercise properly should stay warm and keeping the temperature, not wearing light clothing or clothes too heavy, just wear a sweater on your gym clothes even protects you from the cold.
2. keep hydrated:

In the winter we don't need to drink plenty of fluids, but you must keep hydrated since dehydration is a concern even in winter, and that exercise makes you sweat and lose a lot of fluids in your body, so be sure to drink ample amounts of water during your practice exercises for Waller Yadaih, to avoid the side effects of drought such as stress and feeling cramps.
3. good breathing:

Try to breathe through the nose during your practice for your favorite sport, to warm the air before entering the respiratory system and lungs.
4. nutrition:

Hungry faster and more frequent in the winter on the other chapters, but don't be tempted beyond your hunger to warm your body, try eating healthy and wholesome foods like fruits and vegetables, eat carbohydrate-rich foods has always since they are a great source of energy during exercise Sports.
5. home exercises:

If the weather is so cold that it prevents you from going out and practicing athletics, you can go to the gym because it's in a confined space, you can also work out of home for the perfect body in your House no matter what out!

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