6 food fights abdominal obesity

6 food fights abdominal obesity

6 food fights abdominal obesity

When talking about abdominal obesity (any grease accumulation in the abdomen), we should not blame on what we eat, but the quality of the fat you eat, a Swedish study showed that abdominal fat (rumen), heavily influenced by the type of fat-containing foods that We eat. 
study showed that this is the first time that similar research conducted on humans, show That eating saturated fats, such as those found in butter and palm oil and veal, leads to the accumulation of fat in certain areas of the body are different from areas of fat accumulation caused by eating polyunsaturated fats found in olive oil, fish, nuts and olive oil Sunflower.
The study demonstrated that saturated fat is heading straight into the abdomen and liver, it intervenes in the metabolism (metabolism) in the body and increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Either polyunsaturated fats, are distributed to other areas of the body (not the abdomen and waist), and is used in part to build muscle mass to your body.
The experts in this study divided the 39 men and women have normal weights at random into two groups. Both groups followed a similar diet pattern for seven weeks with only one difference, is to give the first set piece of candy contains multiple unsaturated fats or sunflower oil (750 calories) a day, while the second group member candy the same size but Contain palm oil, rich in saturated fat, which is found in many processed foods.
It recorded an increase in cluster members weights close together, according to the report, but when researchers compared MRI images made them before dieting and then showed that weight gain was different between the two groups.
It had accumulated fat in the abdomen and liver in people who ate more saturated fat than people who ate polyunsaturated fats.
It featured a noticeable increase in fat mass and a decrease in overall muscle mass when the Group consuming saturated fat. The researchers also conducted a genetic study on gene activity in abdominal fat accumulation, show them that excessive ingestion of saturated fat activates genes store fat in the abdominal area.
Some people may use a "rumen" have caused the accumulation of abdominal fat material for jokes. But in fact, the question of professionals sees the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area as a warning to some other serious health conditions.
There are some ways to get rid of this phenomenon, the simplest and most efficient eating certain types of foods that fight abdominal fat accumulation. Prevention is always better than cure. These are some of the ways:

- eating avocado
fat contained majority consisting of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, with the added benefit of containing a proportion of protein. And avocado contains healthy fats helps to lower high blood sugar, Hyperglycemia leads to sudden steering body towards increased abdominal fat accumulation.
It is possible to add avocados to salads and sauces as a substitute for sour cream or cheese that contain high percentages of saturated fat. 

- Do not use fat-free products
instead of using fat-free salads and sauces that lacks a lot of important nutrients with containing large amounts of sugar and salt, must adopt healthy alternatives Contains useful fat such as olive oil and vinegar or lemon acid and some herbs to spice up your dishes. 

- Handling different kinds of berries
berries of different kinds are very useful to us, but some research has shown that composite "ketone", which contains raspberry, prevents accumulation of fat in the abdomen and around the liver. You can, of course, using fresh raspberries (or iced in season) as well as low-fat Blueberry yogurt Lassi. 

- Turn the nuts
you can eat a handful of walnuts or almonds, known for their abundance of Omega-3 fatty acid, as this would reduce the likelihood of injury in a sudden hunger and lust that relieves abdominal obesity, according to Led him to study Spanish. Daily ration was identified 35 grams of nuts a day, equivalent to a bunch fills the Palm of your hand. 

- Focus on eating fish
to fish, particularly fatty ones, are a great source of Omega 3 acid which helps to burn stored fat in the body. Try to eat fish twice a week, especially salmon or trout or halibut or tuna. 

- Use the best alternatives of oils
the problem lies not in the use of fats and oils, but in choosing types that contain fat. The most beneficial oils: sunflower, canola and olive oils which experts advise you use as a substitute for butter, cream, and margarine.
You must choose the right kind of preparation for the preparation of the dish. For example, you can use canola oil in "although" (no cooked food in a small amount of oil and heat to ripen quickly and don't lose fluids contained) or sprinkle a little olive oil on a raw vegetable dish, use low-fat yogurt in preparing alternative sauce cream sauce.

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