Perfect food for kidney patients

Perfect food for kidney patients

Renal disease is where Nutrition Foundation and each stage of the food palaces fit based on the general analysis and kidney function and kidney filtration rate. * What are the kidney function? Kidneys act as a filter to the body where you nominate fluid in it and get rid of toxins and waste products (such as urea) and then purify the blood, controlling the amount of water in the body either absorbed or sorted until we reach the fluid balance within the body. They also have other functions such as blood pressure control through the hormone Renin (Renin), regulate the production of red blood cells, activate vitamin D and regulating blood acidity (Ph). Kidney failure occurs and accumulates toxins and water carrying capacity of the body to dispose of it if a simple body deals with mansions toxins and water, but if severe limitations became a source of danger to health, may need time for dialysis (Hemodialysis). But most patients don't need dialysis if they followed the appropriate diet that limits be toxins and waste and keep to the prescribed drugs. * The importance of nutrition for patients with chronic renal failure Kidney patients by feeding different stage of her disease and nutrition 2: • an important preventive role so as to maintain kidney function and prevent degradation to the stage. • Therapeutic role with medications or with dialysis if evolved stage and needed. * The seven elements of proper food there are seven essential elements you need to know and quantification by the degree of illness, what works for patients not fit for most, these elements are: 1. protein protein is important. And essential for building muscle and resist damage, but one must calculate how much protein in renal condition by percentage of palaces, there are two types of proteins: "high quality" in animal products such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and easily used by the body and low fat. There are "less quality" protein in vegetables and cereals, and diet for kidney patients should include both types of proteins per day adjusted amounts. 2. sodium sodium metal is present in most foods and table salt, and sound macro-regulation of sodium in the body, but in the case of renal sodium may cause increased blood pressure and may lead to fluid retention in the body Swelling of ankles or fingers or eyes.

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