p>With the coming of spring, the most beautiful seasons of the year, ticking blowers for allergy sufferers, you see them avoid going out into the arms of warden and natural home, for fear of symptoms of sneezing and coughing waldmaa. And supporting a warehouses Charmin, and singing to home pulled down their shutters.
We will try to help these to divert food that supports the immune system against the stimulus spring pollen allergies to dander and breakfast, reduce the symptoms of allergies, including:
1. curd
constitute vital prefixes Probiotics in yogurt, effective weapons against allergic reactions, in a recent study has found that people taking drinks rich in vital body contains prefixes fewer antibodies are antibodies, which lay behind interactions causing allergy symptoms.
But should we warn for that few people allergic proteins in milk and dairy products, so make sure you're not one of those people, but it took you taking pills milk allowance and supplementary prefixes doctor's supervision.
2. salmon
most types of fish (including salmon and sardines walton species) are rich in omega-3 fat acids omega, which boot advantages syndrome phenomenon, and reactions, and German study proved that the program Omega 3 rich diet reduces risk of allergic rhinitis, the Mediterranean diet also decreased risk of asthma and other allergic diseases.
3. Apple
useful article in Apple, that prevent immune cells in your body from releasing histamine substance histamine causing allergy symptoms are koirsitin quercetin.
In one study has found that pregnant women who eat a lot of eating apples and fish, their relative immunity against asthma and other allergies.
4. Strawberry (Strawberry)
benefit to support the immune system in Strawberry fruit for vitamin C affluence, which inhibits histamine substance responsible for the symptoms of allergy, and doctors have long known that vitamin C increases concentration Histamine in the body, while vitamin C supplements to lower his standards to nearly half. And other foods rich in vitamin C Orange, lemon and pepper.
5. turmeric
that kind of Indian spices has enormous capacity to combat the phenomenon of inflammation, such as histamine inhibition that lies behind allergy symptoms, he is known as ready your body for more inflammation, you are more likely Incidence of allergies.
6. pumpkin seeds
replete with these seeds with magnesium metal which relaxes muscles and opens Airways, magnesium deficiency is known to predispose to high levels of histamine in the body.
And also with magnesium rich foods: almonds, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, oatmeal and dark chocolate.
Agitator allergy foods
at the party of the second part of the equation, there are certain foods that can increase allergic spring when its been suggested, we recommend to avoid them, including:
Types of spring allergy-causing pollen, pollen pollen tree birch birch trees, and there are some foods that contain proteins similar to the plant proteins official health bodies are advised to avoid it, it has been suggested that the immune system may not differentiate between types of proteins, Causing allergy symptoms. From these foods celery, who advised his fans to stop eating in these months, and replace him with one of the many vegetables available this semester.
some studies have found that this type of spring allergy symptoms aggravated by nuts (especially hay fever hay fever), and thus improves avoided and replaced with other walnkershat nuts, like dried fruit.
all the raised foods, in General, contain high proportions of histamine, itchy eyes and nasal congestion and off, and may increase allergy symptoms that you have, fortunately, most of these foods are available in the market and are Fresh in spring, what makes the pickles replacement easy.
in addition to scuttle the alcohol known health, it has been shown that increases the symptoms of asthma and allergic rhinitis, so as to contain histamine, these bad side effects in women than in men.
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