7 reasons why constantly feeling tired

7 reasons why constantly feeling tired

7 reasons why constantly feeling tired

Feeling tired and loss of power is normal after termination or after a hard day at work, but if you feel tired constantly and without apparent reason, it may be a symptom of a medical condition requiring treatment, and it's time to talk to your doctor, because fatigue is a list of common symptoms of many problems and The diseases including:
If you are suffering from a thyroid problem or have been ineffective, you begin exposure to symptoms like fatigue, fatigue, muscle pain, weight gain, depression, anyone can develop hypothyroidism, but is more common in older women, says the American Thyroid Foundation About 17% of women will suffer from thyroid disorder before age sixty.
Anemia is a common cause of tiredness, anemia means not having enough red blood cells, other symptoms include anemia, weakness, and increased heart rate and skin paleness, headaches, anemia can occur due to lack of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, or Medical conditions including diabetes and kidney disease and rheumatoid arthritis.


You may be feeling tired constantly one of the first symptoms of diabetes, other symptoms include increased thirst and increased urination and hunger, weight loss, and blood test used to measure blood sugar levels for diagnosing diabetes.
Are depressed people often suffer from lack of energy, depression can appear in different ways, but the most common signs include feeling sad and hopeless and worthless, sleeping too much or too little sleep, in addition to feeling tired all the time, eating too much or too little of it.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), is one of the most common mental health problems along with depression, is anxiety all the time of the biggest energy-consuming factors, which lead to a general feeling of fatigue and stress.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Many experts were skeptical about the existence of this case until recently, many people do not know about its existence and still ongoing research about their symptoms include extreme fatigue persistent which prevents you from even normal daily tasks, in addition to the muscle and joint pain, weakness, headache, inability The focus, although there is no single test to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, but the doctors who diagnosed based on the description of symptoms and rule out other conditions.
Heart disease
Fatigue even after physical exertion as simple as walking up the stairs or carrying light objects, may be one of the signs of heart disease, so highly rec

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