9 foods that give your body smells

9 foods that give your body smells

9 foods that give your body smells

Many suffer from the smell of sweat stench, which caused them great embarrassment when engaging in social activities.
Produces foul body odor from a number of factors, including hormonal changes, excessive sweating, and unhealthy foods, in addition to genetic factors and personal hygiene.
While some factors are difficult to control, for other factors, so the site offers top 10 home remedies range of foods that give your body smells:
1. lemon
The fragrant scent and antibacterial and fungicide.
2. tomato
Natural antiseptic odor-causing germs amount reduced.
3. Green tea
Supports detoxification through the production of antioxidants.
4. coconut oil India
Sweating and odor Remover supports healthy digestion.
5. Rosemary
Chromatography inhibits harmful bacteria growth.
Prevent odor-causing bacteria multiply on the skin.
7. cinnamon
Stink foul body odors deviate.
8. parsley
Repellent for toxins and helps in purifying the blood.
9. the ring
Boost ratio of minerals and vitamins in the body.

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