For men. This is the effect the lack of movement on the bladder

For men. This is the effect the lack of movement on the bladder

For men. This is the effect the lack of movement on the bladder

New Korean study suggests that men in middle age who sit most of the day and do not practice any sporting activity increases their chances of urethral and bladder problems compared with those who sit for periods of less than.
And the study researchers examined data 69795 40 years average age man and did not suffer from diseases of the bladder.
Both men responded to questions in a questionnaire about their rates and time of sitting and severity of suffering symptoms such as incontinence, difficulty emptying the bladder and urgent need to urinate and sleep disorders.
They wrote in the study after a follow averaging 2.6 that 9217 men suffered symptoms in the lower part of the urethra.
Compared with men who do not engage in any activities for those who said so little physical activity with those symptoms by 6% as you said to do a lot of exercise by 7%.
And compared with spending less than five hours a day sitting increased the likelihood of injury, spend at least ten hours sitting with bladder problems by 15% with 8% odds of sitting periods between five and nine hours a day.
Researchers said in the study, Dr singho Rio, SungKyunKwan University School of medicine in Seoul in South Korea: "This suggests that reducing periods spent sitting and promoting physical activity is important in preventing symptoms affecting the lower part of the urethra."
The link remained between inactivity and bladder problems even after the researchers took into account other risk factors that could cause bladder problems alone, such as obesity and diabetes.

But researchers point out that the study did not differentiate between different types of seating in the questionnaire like watch tv or work or ride public transportation, limiting its results, with another factor limit study results is that some participants over the age of 65 years and increase the chances of problems Bladder substantially with age.

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