4 things increases the strength of thread marital relationship. Follow her

4 things increases the strength of thread marital relationship. Follow her

4 things increases the strength of thread marital relationship. Follow her

The marital relationship depends on a lot of bases and foundations that strengthen and sustain it without major problems or cause a sour finish.
And display the location of "the minds journal" some rules that promote continuing marital relationship:

1. common hobbies:
Contribute to common hobbies between the parties in strengthening their relationship, the couple could more closely matches during practice this hobby, which strengthens the spirit of partnership between them.

2. express love:
The couple must reflect on their love for some from time to time, such as sending text messages, which brings warmth to married life again.

3. problems:
Some couples trying to avoid confronting problems existing between them, which is not true where increases the tvakhm problem, so the couple must face the problems that arise between them and resolve them quickly.

4. not to keep secrets:
Secrets about life partner are negative affects a marital relationship and increase the doubts between them, of openness between the two parties and not to hide their secrets.

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