How to Avoid Your Appearance

How to Avoid Your Appearance

Como Evitar O Seu Aparecimento

Most pregnant women have stretch marks on the skin. It is minor injuries that are very unpleasant and due to the increased volume that all women suffer during pregnancy along with the lack of elasticity of the skin. By following our tips, you will be able to diminish and even avoid your appearance, and if you have them now, take note of the most appropriate treatments to eliminate them. 
What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks are lines or ridges that appear on the skin when it is subject to sudden changes in volume. In view of this, they are common in pregnancy, even though they also occur at the moment when a person matures very quickly or changes muscle volume (as in the case of bodybuilders). At first, Related image stretch marks have a rosy or red hue over time, become closer and are whitish or pearly.

Overweight (even though thin women identically may have cellulite)
2 drops of primordial pepper oil
a lime from Persia
Aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week from 30 to 50 minutes for beginners
June 25, 2014, at 10:55 am
Manual lipo
How to take stretch marks with baking soda
They are usually one to three inches long and one to five millimeters wide. Stretch marks do not cause agony or discomfort. Why are stretch marks during pregnancy? During pregnancy, the skin stretches with the added workload experienced by the human body. As a rebound, it produces collagen and elastin fibers in the break dermis causing the appearance of fibrosis in the form of a small scar: the spline.

Hormonal transformations that occur throughout pregnancy also favor the appearance of Colastrin works even from stretch marks. The elaboration of collagen is altered, and in view of this, the woman's stretch marks appear in phases as conditioned by hormones as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. In addition, another factor to say is the environment and the type of skin, such as the genetic predisposition of each person. Dry and light skins are more prone to stretch marks since the dermis will break less difficult if it is poorly hydrated.

Keep your skin as hydrated as possible.

The areas where stretch marks occur are the chest, belly, thighs, and hips. Nothing we want to make changes in the hormonal and volume of the human body, experiencing our body during pregnancy, but we can perform various actions to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Or at least minimize it. Keep your skin as hydrated as possible. To do this you need to moisturize twice a day throughout the body, however in the nipple and areola area.

There are different brands sold excerpts for specific products. Aloe creams are as well as highly recommended argan oil, Gotu kola or vera. All that nourish the skin, favoring your elasticity, causing more complex that is cracking. Make small massages on the skin at the time of putting the cream, thus helping its penetration and stimulating the circulation through the areas most prone to stretch marks. Hydration as well as drinking a lot of water daily. A healthy, varied and balanced diet with healthy habits is important.

Taking oral collagen, vitamin C and vitamin A supplements are highly recommended. Run and regularly practice physical exercise adapted to pregnancy. Prevent sun exposure or, if the sun is taken, do so with a protective cream and apply a moisturizer all over the body. Streaks, not tan, so stand out more in brown skin. And of course no smoking. Besides harmful tobacco is the brat, we do not have to forget its negative effects on health and, in particular, on the skin, favoring the dryness of the present. If stretch marks eventually appear, there are countless treatments, depending on the type of stretch marks and the stage at which they are located, which will help eliminate them. The shallow, superior stretch marks are the possibility that the treatment is capable. Microdermabrasion: It is a mechanical peel.

Microdermabrasion is a method that is used to remove the outer layers of cells through the skin so that there are a smartphone regeneration thanks to the addition of collagen and elastin. It is a system that allows you to combine the exfoliation of dead skin cells and the development of new. In aesthetics, microdermabrasion is widely used to remove stains, scars, wrinkles and of course stretch marks.

Radio Frequency: This is a technique that increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Through high-frequency currents, the skin temperature rises to contribute to the stimulation of fibroblasts for collagen and elastin synopsis. It is also used to care for cellulite and to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Mesotherapy: a technique for weight control and cellulite removal.

Widely used to treat cellulite and sagging skin.

It is very widespread in France. It consists of injecting homeopathic doses of homeopathic products through the dermis. Carboxytherapy: is injecting carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide CO2), a completely harmless element that causes the increase of oxygen in tissues. Widely used to treat cellulite and sagging skin. It is advisable that you consult a specialist in your particular case and who will point out the most appropriate treatment, such as preserving hydrated skin daily.

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