Antioxidants...why We Need Them, What They Do.

Antioxidants...why We Need Them, What They Do.

Antioxidants...why We Need Them, What They Do.

 Simply stated, we need antioxidants to take care of the free radicals in our bodies. It's a dangerous world we live in, environmentally speaking. We have ultra-violet rays, toxins in our water, and hazardous chemicals in our homes, yards, garages and all kinds of pollutants in the air we breathe. All of which, and more, tend to wreak havoc with our cells, or at least the oxygen molecules in our cells. That's where the "oxidation" comes in. A free radical, besides being an anarchist that's still on the loose, is an atom, molecule or ion with unpaired electrons or an otherwise open shell configuration. These unpaired electrons are highly reactive and can result in chain reaction damage to other molecules. It's easier to understand than the definition would suggest. Consider an oxygen atom. It has eight protons in its nucleus so we say it has an atomic number of eight. Eight protons are what make it oxygen. In its stable state, it has eight electrons, two of which are in its inner shell and six in its outer shell. Think of electron shells as orbits. The eight positively charged protons and the eight negatively charged electrons give it a neutral charge. When something like one of the toxins mentioned above, comes along and knocks one of those electrons out of the oxygen atoms outer orbit, a free radical has just been created. Remember, we said it was an atom, molecule or ion with an unpaired electron or open shell configuration. The loss of that outer shell electron means that the oxygen atom now has a positive charge and it wants to react with another atom to regain its neutral charge. Thus the stage is set for a string of free radical interactions, cell damage, and potential mutations.

 Oxidation and Anti-oxidation

 Oxidation and the production of free radicals happen in our bodies every day and normally our immune system and natural antioxidants in our food, such as vitamins C and E, take care of them. The problem is that in today's toxic world, our immune system is rarely working at peak efficiency and not many of us get adequate nutrition from our normal diets. In simple terms, when a free radical is created in the body and the immune system is not functioning optimally, three things can occur. If the free radical attacks, that is, reacts with a cell membrane, allergies can occur. If it reacts with a fat globule that nourishes the cell, the cell dies. This is associated with annoying things like aging and rheumatoid arthritis. If the free radical attacks the nucleus of the cell, which carries the cell's DNA, we have a mutation and upon reproduction, cancer can develop. To summarize, a weak immune system combined with a deficiency in nutrients that absorb free radicals are the primary causes of illness.

 How Are Free Radicals Eliminated?

 Oxidation as described above and it is oxygen radical absorbing nutrients that block the process of oxidation by sponging up free radicals. By doing this, the antioxidant nutrients themselves become oxidized which is why we need to be continuously replenishing these nutrients in our bodies. In real graphic terms, you know the movie scene where an enemy grenade plops down in the middle of a group of soldiers and one of them throws his body on it and absorbs the blast thus saving his comrades. The soldier that sacrificed himself for his buddies was like an antioxidant in our body. Free radical absorbing nutrients benefit us in a couple of ways. Above we alluded to a chain reaction in which a free radical reacts with another atom by stealing one of its electrons. The theft results in the creation of a second free radical which reacts with another atom or molecule, creating a third free radical and on and on, creating more and more unstable atoms. The interactions will continue until something stops it; something applies the brakes. The brake will be a substance or chemical that breaks the chain reaction. It is possible that instead of applying the brakes, the reaction just runs out of gas on its own and decays to a non-reactive entity. The first instance is pro-active, the latter is leaving it to chance and hoping we won't end up with the seed of a tumor. The antioxidant brakes could be vitamin C, E, beta carotene, or any number of phytonutrients. There are also antioxidant enzymes with big names like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase that prevent oxidation by slowing down the onset of those chain reactions. These enzymes work by scavenging free radicals that would otherwise start a reaction sequence. This is a preventative measure in that the antioxidant can stop an oxidation chain reaction before it even starts. The effectiveness of a specific antioxidant depends on the type of free radical involved, how and where it is generated, and the location and extent of the damage caused. So in one instance, an antioxidant may protect against free radicals but in another set of circumstances, have no effect at all. Worse, in certain circumstances, an antioxidant, or its overuse, could even act as a catalyst to generate the reactive oxygen atom or molecule. 

Types of Free Radical Absorbing Nutrients

 It's not truly difficult at all to urge great, quality admission of these defensive supplements if we know what to hunt for, they're everywhere.
 Basically, a few vitamins have antioxidant capabilities, as do a few of the following minerals and an entire have of phytonutrients have oxygen radical retaining properties.
 Turmeric powder Dr. Mercola, who distributes an incredible pamphlet on an entire assortment of wellbeing issues, as of late did an entirety, long treatise on the antioxidant capabilities of a spice...turmeric. He accepts it to be the most excellent of the finest in cancer prevention agents, and he may be right. Turmeric is an East Indian zest that contains curcumin, which in turn may be a phytonutrient phenol.
 He records thirteen benefits that 100% natural turmeric (not the stuff found in your grocery store zest area) provides:
.Improves security against free radicals.
It helps advance sound skin. Supports in general eye health.
Provides resistant framework support 
.Aids skeletal framework and joint health.
Encourages sound liver function.
It helps keep up solid cells with back against free radicals.
Balances stomach related framework health.
Supports solid blood and circulatory system.
It helps keep up ordinary cholesterol levels.
Supports antagonistic responses to stress.
Promotes a sound female regenerative system.
Helps keep up as of now sound blood sugar levels
This list was included here to illustrate that the benefits of these substances go removed past neutralizing free radicals in show disdain toward the truth that it is through. 

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