Which is better, keto diet or fast for health and quick weight loss

Which is better, keto diet or fast for health and quick weight loss

Try to talk about the difference between fasting and keto and which one is better I had this question come up underneath the word so I want to just talk about it so we talk about keto we're talking about low carb now you could do cheetah with zero carbs you could do that but most people have just a small amount of carb a between 20 and 50 grams but we're doing fasting you bring you down to no carbs because you're not eating any way more ketones then when you actually do keto.

 if you compare them together you're going to be eating at a certain frequency and every time you eat regardless of what you eat if it is any sign of calories that triggers insulin so even though you're consuming low carbohydrates you are stimulated when you eat here there's no Gip a lot lower insulin and a lot more ketones that are generated you will stimulate certain genes that will help you in various ways.

 but when you're fasting you actually enhance even additional jeans that have to do with survival and definitely have to do with anti-aging and Longevity which will help the brain becomes more focus and the heart to become more efficient and those kittens that are generated for both Black Sea increase more oxygen in the body and less CO2 and ketones in general act as antioxidants much more Etapa G and there's a condition where your body is recycling old damaged proteins and turning them into new tissue 

now with ketosis, you are nearly as much so just by looking at these two alone you can see the fasting is a much more powerful impact in your house then just cute houses together because they will have a compounded affect the benefits are will be enhanced because doing one will help the other doing this will help that easier to do because when you're doing fasting and then you eat if you actually eat Cheeto fewer carbs your Cravings will be diminished you will be hungry as much but if you drink hydrates you may find that number one it's going to bump you out of ketosis for longer and you're going to be actually craving for more carbs

 so that's one little issue with that make fasting easier cognifex especially if you doing keto with keto snacks you doing 3 meals with don't you try to lose weight and you doing keto but not I have and you have a slow metabolism you may find that you're going to actually stall a plateau sooner or later achieve your health goals much faster Channel

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