How to stimulate the most important hormone for the fastest burning of fat Glucagon

 How to stimulate the most important hormone for the fastest burning of fat Glucagon

 - insulin blood sugars and diabetes that works with insulin that I haven't talked about it very often so I wanted to cover it and make it sounds like glucose but it's not glucose, it's a hormone that opposes and sent so it kind of works in opposite to insulin what Pokemon does in relationship to ketosis in the state of operating on so incensed blocks ketosis glucagon releases stored sugar starch and glycogen so we'll release this into glucose as fuel insulin what store glucose as glycogen, and as well as the quick gun will release the store Sugar glycogen into glucose and it'll turn the top and she tells the opposite function lowers the sugar Goku God will raise it.
 where does it get the sugar?
 from right here at the store, Sugar and fat, so it's a counter hormone to inflict so let's say for example you have too much insulin and it shoved your blood sugar way down, and hypoglycemia can you get the shakes and you're craving everything.
 will normally glue gun supposed to kick in there and counter that it's kind of like a counter regulating hormone that keeps the blood sugars were needs to realize that is one of the fat-burning hormones as well now I can take a look at insulin is the dominant hormone in other words in the presence of insulin lower insulin knocks you out of ketosis glucagon puts you into ketosis.
 insulin is triggered by carbohydrates protein glucagon also is triggered by protein so protein will trigger both hormone that will affect of insulin FYI they don't have to worry about protein ketosis unless you consume a lot of it has exercise will trigger glucagon adrenaline will trigger precise stress will do it to 1 reason why people lose weight during stress but chronic stress they gain weight because the cortisol when you experience stress acute stress you have more adrenaline chronic stress you can have more cortisol issues that is a thing called look over here every time you eat dim sum this treasure every time you eat to cool down his triggers well the situation we're eating will trigger insulin but also glucagon when eating protein you'll spend like both or months.
 When your fasting you will trigger glucagon and when you're eating trigger insulin what will inhibit glucagon and insulin production simplicity trials.

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