They use intimidation and fear to weaken our immunity

They use intimidation and fear to weaken our immunity

If you're born into a crazy place And you're brought up in the crazy place and you become an adult in a crazy place and all you've ever known in your life is a crazy place then to you. Crazy is normal. What happens when a cell gets poisoned. Is it secretes something called exercise and these exorcisms as they are released and they're only released when the cell is poisoned And it can be poisoned through many many reasons. It can be toxic. Wait for this one. It can be poison through stress and fear you imagine the stress and fear that's going on in the world now during this lockdown it can be caused by disease infection. And it can be caused by electromagnetic fields which will become very relevant when we get into 5G. A very interesting study that was from nineteen seventy-seven. So in other words they were looking at this technology a long time ago even though they may have not been able to put it out in terms of a wireless network. And this was. Actually, a CIA document that was declassified and what it did is it studied. Mice who are exposed to frequency bands around 60 gigahertz which is part of the stated range of 5G. So these are millimeter waves they're much shorter wavelength than the current telecommunications technology. And they have different properties and in these experimental mice, they demonstrated two findings that I think are very significant. One finding is that it caused suppression of the bone marrow

And the bone marrow is the part of our body where all our blood cells are made. So this caused low blood counts white cells red cells which are known as anemia and also platelets which if they're low enough can cause bleeding problems. The other main finding from this study in the experimental mice was that the radiation disrupted the mitochondria as ability to take up oxygen. So mitochondria are special organelles inside of our cells and then they're present in all mammal cells and they're the energy factory of the cell. So they're the only part of the cell that can use oxygen to undergo a process called oxidative for phosphate relation which yields a lot of energy way more than our other system which is like policies that are similar to fermentation. And so in this study, it's found that the ability of the mitochondria to take up and utilize the oxygen was seriously impaired up to I believe 64 percent in the kidney. So this could have devastating health effects and could cause organ failure Chronically or even acutely could result in death potentially by disrupting the organs ability to create energy they can't carry out their normal processes without that energy it would be like if I tried to unplug my computer right now you know in a short amount of time we would lose our connection and so so these are potential effects are quite troubling to me.

I don't know exactly how the five G infrastructure is going to be utilized and what frequency is going to use used for what part of it but it certainly is quite concerning that they're not going to study it at they are installing it now when all other similar activities are stopped and there are at least some pretty scary health consequences that are potentially going to be realized. The roles of exercise is poison cells warning other cells As they travel around there's a problem. Get ready look there's a problem here. So all you have to do to get exorcisms released is to have poison cells for these various reasons. What Kaufman started looking at. Was under the microscope. Pictures. Of exercise. What they looked like. And then. He looked at. An under the microscope picture. Of what is claimed to be. Covered 19 These two were exactly the same. He then starts looking at the genetic makeup of the X systems. Which you will find in the lung fluid of people who have problems with the lungs because of the problems. Are generating the release of exercise. And he looked at the genetic makeup claimed for Kovac 19. They are exactly the same in every relevant way and exercise them and so-called Cove 19 even lock into the same cell receptors as each other they are as Kaufman has clearly shown the same thing. So what's going on here is they've taken a natural response mechanism of the body immune system to poisonous cells

And they've renamed it. Now this genetic material they've taken from the lungs of people what is the basis of this test Will contain by its very nature these acts sons. So they're finding a natural Human immune system response mechanism this secretion from poisoned cells. I think I kind of realized early on that this was something that was risky to talk about and you know that's why I've generally not really brought it up or stayed away from it. However, if I thought that it was causing anyone to be ill at present I would definitely not be afraid to talk about it. But it is very concerning that why would they censor this particular topic if there's really nothing for us to be concerned about. I mean I think it's really important to realize that if you know people like me we're just talking nonsense and we have no credibility. Then why would we be censored? You know they could just point out that we're talking nonsense and no one would really listen because I think you know your viewers and other viewers out there of alternative media and citizen journalism they're not naive and gullible. A lot of them actually do their own research. And so they're going to use discrimination and discernment when they hear people talk. And so I think it's it's quite telling what gets censored and I think things are much more likely to get censored if they threaten the strategy or the hidden agenda of the elite system.

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