Why do some women prefer not to breastfeed?

Why do some women prefer not to breastfeed?

Why do some women prefer not to breastfeed?

Everyone knows the importance of breastfeeding for mother and child, and for some women, breastfeeding is easy, but for others, there are health or financial or emotional barriers that interfere with the ability to make that decision.
Everyone knows the importance of breastfeeding for mother and child, and for some women, breastfeeding is easy, but for others, there are health or financial or emotional barriers that interfere with the ability to make that decision.
Here are some reasons why women decide not to breastfeed normally:

1. lack of awareness of the day, and as a result of many health education campaigns, spreading awareness of the importance of breastfeeding for mother and child, compared to the situation in previous years, but still there are some mothers who rely on artificial feeding, owing to the absence of providing advice And adequate advice which can facilitate them to understand the importance of breastfeeding and how to accomplish the task.

2. the absence of the role of health teams
Many mothers, especially who give birth for the first time, don't know much about breastfeeding and may not receive guidance during their discharge from the hospital, they do not know where to turn for help if they encountered a problem, if not give women instructions-follow information on breastfeeding From natural health team admin on her birth whether doctor or nurse up to her condition, she may give up easily after encountering any obstacle.
3. the absence of adequate support and assistance
It may be the absence of the husband's role in the understanding and support of his wife during this stage, the motivation for many to chose a natural breastfeeding, fearing its impact on a marital relationship or because of their inability to overcome this stage in the absence of supporting her husband and pressures that may face.

2- Early return to work may hinder breastfeeding naturally. The mother rests with a lot of responsibilities: the new kid, family responsibilities, extra homes, and stress, to work, and when the pressure becomes too much, you'll find it difficult to bound mother breastfeeding every two hours or less, and you'll find that bottle of milk preparation much easier and provides them a lot of time and effort, he can return to work and leave her child's care to someone else until it's time for her return. And it is also linked to the lack of sufficient knowledge of alternatives and options that can help them to complete the process of breastfeeding with other functions and does not affect her work.

4-personal issues‎
‎There are some personal things that you see some women cause difficulty breastfeeding is normal, for example, lack of breastfeeding outside the home, or body image issues and lack of self confidence even from people very close, which can contribute to negative sentiment and low towards the self while breastfeeding, and when Breastfeeding will be embarrassed or uncomfortable or shameful, it is more likely that women will decide not to breastfeed.‎
5. health concerns‎
‎Although women who have many health problems can breastfeed and be encouraged to do so, it could cause some health conditions in a low amount of milk, or worry about the mother of medicine that should eat and how does it affect her.‎
‎For example, you may not be able to women with breast cancer of the breast after radiation therapy or mastectomy; in addition, there are some other health problems, such as HIV/AIDS, breastfeeding is not recommended.‎
‎* Finally *.‎
‎It is important to understand why some women decide not to breastfeed. In some cases, you can overcome the barriers women continue to breastfeed successfully, but not always. ‎
‎And women who breastfeed do not pass judgment against women who decide not to breastfeed, as mothers, we all need to understand each other's choices and support each other regardless of the feeding method chosen, in the end, we all want the same thing: to have Happy children, are healthy.‎

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