Her fight against cancer. "Amazing" health benefits of pumpkin

Her fight against cancer. "Amazing" health benefits of pumpkin

Her fight against cancer. "Amazing" health benefits of pumpkin

With the arrival of winter, pumpkin exists, linked to celebrating Halloween and symbol basis. For many uses, such as pumpkin decorating and many recipes and delicious drinks.
Despite the varied uses, it has many health benefits that make you not give up in the food system.

Below are reviews you "CareerBuilder" some health benefits of pumpkin in a health magazine location:

1. weight loss

Because it contains fiber that contributes to slow down digestion, like two cups of pumpkin equal two slices of whole grain bread, and contains 50 calories when eaten as a meal.
It also keeps your body healthy and provides the body with natural sugars, water located inside.

2. strengthen consideration

Contains a beta-carotene that is contained in the body to vitamin a, considering important vitamins for eye health, network helps to absorb and process light, because it contains a cup of pumpkin on more than 200 percent of the recommended daily consumption by nutritionists, vitamin a, so p Is a great option for Visual health.

It also contains zeaxanthin lot, the two opposite antioxidants which help to prevent cataracts and could also slow the progression of macular degeneration.

3. strengthen the immune system

Many wish to improve and strengthen the immune system to protect against diseases, researchers on drugs that will help them achieve that, eating many foods, pumpkin can help strengthen the immune system because it contains vitamin a which helps your body fight infection and viruses and diseases Infectious, as he works to combat various fungal and bacterial infections, it also includes vitamin c which helps fight colds faster.

4. maintaining healthy skin

Think always ladies by helping her to keep their skin look younger, and help them to fight wrinkles, pumpkin is of food containing beta-carotene that protects the skin from UVA Sun wrinkle-causing rumor, you can make great content of pulp paper clip in it, By chop the pulp in a blender, and puree pumpkin flesh and mix with a tablespoon of milk and eggs, and put it on face for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
5. fight cancer

Thanks to the beta-carotene that contribute to enhancing the health of your skin and your eyes, but also works to fight cancer, research indicates that people who eat a diet rich in beta-carotene are less susceptible to infection with certain types of cancer, including crostata and lung cancer.
As the presence of vitamins A, C, a species that operate on defense and combat cancer-causing cells.

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