Daily habits that protect you from diabetes

Daily habits that protect you from diabetes

Daily habits that protect you from diabetes

Varied symptoms of high blood sugar between increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, headaches, there are many who complain of symptoms of this disease.
And through scientific methods and natural, can control blood sugar, and that some daily habits that maintain the ratio hit in our bodies, in accordance with the published site "Healthline".
Resistance to tension

Causes the human sense of stress and anxiety, high levels of sugar, with increased secretion of cortisol in the body, it alerts the importance of resisting those negative feelings, through the practice of Yoga and walking, don't even result in diabetes.

Lead exercise regularly to lose weight, increase insulin sensitivity, then start the body's cells use blood sugar levels as desired natural, declining chances of diabetes later.
Drinking water

It is necessary that the human body moisture preserves across water intake, as this will contribute to strengthening the role of the kidney, get rid of the excess sugar ratios through urination, so water preference is recommended for any drinks with sugars, nobody as injurious.
Control the calories

Attention must be lonely alharaih calorie ratios that use the body throughout the weeks, eating without an account will reap high proportions of those calories, weight increase, and with it the chances of diabetes.
Good choice

While some foods are known to raise blood sugar indicator, there are other recipes don't harm the body with, are advised to rely, that emerges from seafood, oats and barley, eggs.
Dietary fiber intake

Advised depending on dietary fiber-rich food, as it works to reduce and slow down the absorption of sugars, bearing in mind that the soluble fiber, are best for this purpose, that means that eating legumes and cereals, as well as vegetables and fruit.

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