7 common myths about cancer. Don't believe her

7 common myths about cancer. Don't believe her

7 common myths about cancer. Don't believe her

Human life has a tremendous amount of health information warning him of certain serious diseases such as cancer, but these tips are not based on any scientific basis more often.
Among the common myths related to cancer and notably to the microwave heating device causes the dreaded disease because the rays, with the researcher, shows NSW Cancer Institute, David Caro, that's not true.
Caro Professor adds that a man who uses the microwave properly, enter the allowable pots and food type account do not expose himself to any danger.
He explained that the rays from a microwave oven are much less who can harm health, he noted that the machine cannot change in food particles.
In myth again, touting that the BRA more than likely women for breast cancer and this is proven science, as Professor Caro, because it's just a note issued in a book published during the 1990s.

And promote other false ideas about deodorants, reportedly causes cancer because of leaking chemicals into your body through the pores, but that just talks without grounds, the researcher says that these products already include aluminum salts but stop sweat glands without affecting the lymph nodes.
In the meantime, the Danish study revealed over 18 years included a sample of 350 thousand people that there was no direct link between mobile phone use and cancer.
Unlike what is the belief, do not cause material fluoride added to the water of cancer in humans, and this also applies to a number of drinks and artificial sweeteners, which are often surrounded by scary rumors.
Caro Professor finds that the consumption of these products rationally, without overkill, no foreshadowing bye serious illness such as cancer man, as site "Paddy & Saul."

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